Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They made plans to meet in Harry 's room sometimes dating the Christmas Vacation which Edward devoted to intense preparations for an entrance scholarship to Merton and continuous work at Latin and Mathematics for Responsions .
2 The beer is flowing again , thanks to help from Clark 's Brewery , Wakefield .
3 Meanwhile , the receiver is still waiting for the club 's chairman , Samesh Kumar , and his two brothers to resign from Birmingham 's board of directors .
4 Dixon , who campaigned upon the promise to " clean City Hall out not with a broom , but a shovel " , had been the first of the candidates to call for Barry 's resignation .
5 Although it took her months to get over Cerdan 's death , Edith Piaf 's desire for other men finally conquered her grief and according to her sister , Momone , ‘ she went wild , she ate her heart out , she was jealous and possessive … she howled and she locked guys up ’ .
6 It was then Ruth was filled with such an anger that she had to crush tight her fists to stop herself from flying up the steps to beat at Fernando 's chest .
7 However , the promotion was , according to the report , to be " an all-or-nothing package , " and reformists had not been able to persuade conservatives to agree to Zhu 's elevation .
8 Maguire struck Playing Truant 14 blows after the second last with most coming after the final flight as he pulled out all the stops to hold off Angelo 's Double .
9 IN THE SAME WEEK : Sir Alf Ramsey 's England footballers , World Cup winners nine months earlier , were beaten 3–2 by Scotland at Wembley , prompting ‘ hordes of tartan-clad Scots to pour over Wembley 's barriers to dance on England 's grave , kiss the centre spot and dig up pieces of turf as souvenirs . ’
10 Royal Navy Stewards are trained in hotel services and management and use their skills to look after officers ' accommodation ashore and afloat .
11 With only four days to go before Sunday 's opening three-day game against Bombay , the Ranji Trophy Chamions , the batsmen welcomed the practice .
12 But she was dead … as was her killer , who had taken weeks to die of Carrefour 's poison .
13 Poor Frederick , it took him two years to get over Alice 's departure to France .
14 There are three important things to note about Mark 's use of this miracle :
15 Beyond the window , sunshine slanted through the trees to fall across Frankie 's face as he enjoyed his morning feast .
16 Blushes and risk are the ways to deal with directors ' pay
17 David Frost put it to the right hon. and learned Gentleman no less than three times that it would be an unfair burden on many people who are not rich if he were to carry out immediately his proposed taxation arrangements to pay for Beckett 's law — the abolition of the upper earnings limit for national insurance contributions and the 50 per cent .
18 Even rival German firms have put aside their differences to jump to Continental 's defence .
19 Scrum-half Ant Strachan ( centre ) and flanker Paul Henderson ( left ) take on the Ireland defence , while John Kirwan — one of the few World Cup players to prosper under Mains ' regime — looks to support .
20 GPs will be encouraged to provide more well-women clinics which deal with many issues to do with women 's health .
21 And this is one of the first points to note about children 's gun play .
22 He did not know enough about women to discover from Bathsheba 's manner whether she wanted to see him or not .
23 There are many hill towns to explore including Abruzzo 's capital ‘ L ’ Aquila , where you may visit the great Spanish castle and a national museum .
24 yes , its been rewound about five times to tape over Rupert 's swearing , you just have to leave it now
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