Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] be [vb pp] of the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Charter train operators must be told of the reprieve so they can approach BR about running trains this summer to test the water .
2 Accordingly , drivers should be warned of the consequences of infringing this particular clause .
3 candidates should be informed of the outcome as soon as possible .
4 The parties must be notified of the decision to appoint , or as the case may be , not to appoint a guardian .
5 Is it not likely that some people who take cars or ride in taken cars will be convicted of the aggravated offence , and be given harsher penalties , largely as a result of these provisions on proof ?
6 Whatever criticisms may be made of the STV there is no denying that it has proved viable in its own fashion in twenty-two general elections in the Republic of Ireland .
7 ‘ The companies should be warned of the falling guillotine and urged to produce and ship as fast as they can . ’
8 Under present conditions , time will be short ; the parents will be advised of the risks and consequences of their actions , but it will be stressed that they must decide .
9 Parents will be informed of the results of their child 's assessment .
10 Electrical engineers will be reminded of the torque versus speed curve of an induction motor which exhibits an unstable and unmeasurable set of values as the curve turns back on itself at the pull-out torque .
11 This distinction can be backed up by philosophy and aesthetics , and descriptions can be found of the resultant moments of vision or epiphanies .
12 Two main criticisms can be made of the accelerator theory as we have outlined it .
13 Sickle cell crises are extremely rare but affected individuals should be warned of the potential dangers of severe hypothermia or hypoxia .
14 In any event all participants should be notified of the result .
15 Even Conservative Governments could be persuaded of the wisdom of this approach since , so long as no powerful state threatened the status quo , support for the League was the cheapest way of maintaining the Empire .
16 Each centre running pilots will be notified of the appropriate timescale and procedures for review of validation .
17 A ballot will be held and all new applicants will be notified of the result by mid May .
18 ( Counts can be made of the occurrence of individual letters in specific word positions , and of pairs or triplets of letters , when estimating the spatial redundancy of a word . )
19 The feelings may be imagined of the pupil who rashly let fall a slighting reference to Sohrab and Rustum , to be answered by Lewis 's brandishing an old regimental sword of his brother 's which stood in the corner of his room and shouting , ‘ The sword must settle this ! ’
20 On the facts of the present case the judge was , in my opinion , fully entitled to decide that , in the exercise of his discretion , no undertaking in damages should be required of the council .
21 Thus our customers should be advised of the current level of facilities granted and that soon the maximum facilities to be granted to the company will be £135,000 and we will be looking to the guarantee for this sum which in turn is supported by the charge over the above property .
22 As for previous periods , searches should be made of the contents of the proceedings of local historical societies , Notes and Queries , the Victoria County History volumes , and the Amateur ( later Local ) Historian .
23 Many more stories could be told of the effects of the bomb — of terrible burns and of people dying slowly from radiation .
24 Similarly , parallel questions will be asked of the participants , for the clients also bring expectations and stereotypes ( of the workers , administration , etc. and of their fellow clients ) to participation , as well as a wide gamut of often conflicting ideologies .
25 Comparative case studies will be made of the accounting regulations for research and development expenditure and for the translation of currency movements in the accounts of firms .
26 In one corner is the Brass Rubbing Centre , where rubbings can be taken of the Washington brasses and arms amongst others .
27 It was agreed that the GPs would be notified of the scheme and sent a copy of my parameters of practice , enabling me to see their patients .
28 In London on Wednesday details will be given of the Royal Review to be held at RAF Marham in Norfolk on 1 April to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Royal Air Force .
29 The managers of any newly related module names will be notified of the SPR via the Mail System .
30 The managers of any newly related module names will be notified of the SSR and the managers of packages containing newly related modules , regardless of issue number , will be asked to endorse the SSR unless the package is already on the SSR or the manager has previously been asked to endorse the SSR for this package .
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