Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] from [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The detailed analyses they make of unconscious significations can stop them from considering any other kind of explanation .
2 She knew he was going to the Mnarja festival at Buskett , and she saw no reason why the betrothal customs should stop her from going too .
3 Remember to check out the services provided by your own local banks — some regulations might prevent them from offering the above range .
4 Strong abdominal muscles will prevent you from having a ‘ pot belly' .
5 This is not acceptable and we believe that increasing the charge to non-Barclays customers will discourage them from using Barclays branches and leave our counters available from our own customers . ’
6 Those and many other pressures may distract them from remaining for a long period in the Territorial Army .
7 In practice to have vague objectives will prevent one from doing much and yet not generate positive action .
8 But they will be quick to point out to ministers that ‘ helping the poorest ’ can often lead to poverty and unemployment traps , as any state benefit aimed just at low-income households will discourage them from earning more or getting a job if it is withdrawn as soon as they do so .
9 There is much to see , and hopefully the detailed instructions and maps will prevent you from getting lost .
10 Parents with problem children should stop them from taking canned drinks , coloured squash , sweets , biscuits and cake for a week .
11 Just when we 're strapped for cash , only a load of new clothes can save us from looking dowdy — you would n't be alone in thinking that the whole thing is nothing more than a brilliant wheeze dreamt up by the fashion industry whenever times get tough .
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