Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 The draftsman should , nevertheless , be aware of some of the practical problems that arise in connection with the choice of tenancy to be granted and in appropriate cases should draw them to the attention of his client .
2 I always wanted to be an actor since I was about five and my parents would take me to the cinema and theatre .
3 I myself would I am sure hereafter regret not visiting this part of V. D. L. , and under all circumstances I have agreed with Lady Franklin to wait one week longer after which to return if the wind should not come round to the eastward or northeast , either of these winds would take us to the desired place in a few hours .
4 This morning , 104 headed for home and only 3 other Central South crews will make it to the finish .
5 As racial tension increases , social workers must adapt themselves to the prevailing racial climate .
6 En route visit the Amber Fort where elephants will take you to the hilltop to view the fort and the surrounding valley and lake .
7 A glance at the route followed will prove that this is not a guide-book , and a glance at the contents will expose me to the scorn of local patriots who will see , with incredulous rage , that on many an occasion I passed silently through their favourite village .
8 Tragically the story of God 's wrestling match makes all too good sense , and a tale which bears so clearly the marks of its primitive beginnings can take us to the very summit of Calvary , and deep into the still broken heart of God .
9 Boats can take you to the Borromean Islands and to tall the other resorts around the lake and regular bus services along the lake road .
10 This impressive series of statutes may owe something to the influence of Justinian 's Code and Digest , which was the core of Roman law and the foundation of the training of civil lawyers ; yet while Roman law was part of the atmosphere breathed by nearly all lawyers in the thirteenth century , and at least one outstanding civil lawyer , Vacarius , was familiar to Englishmen , the statutes on the whole betray little impress of Justinian , concerned as they were largely with the clarification of traditional indigenous and feudal problems .
11 INSTEAD of destroying their bumper crop of potatoes , farmers should give them to the needy .
12 But Lib Dem Coun Flo Clukas said officers should reconcile themselves to the fact that Option 3 will go ahead and should put plans into place .
13 For example , for a repair the owner of the goods would supply them to the UK repairer who , using its VAT number , would account for acquisition tax in the normal way .
14 I tell you another year of feasibility studies will take us to the point of no return .
15 ‘ These two officers will lead you to the guard-room . ’
16 ( d ) Pensions and insurances Now that payments for goodwill to outgoing partners are fast disappearing , partners must address themselves to the question of making financial provision for themselves in retirement and their families in the event of their death .
17 I listened to one choral song from Southwark Cathedral , prayers were said for a family whose names would mean nothing to the vast majority of listeners .
18 A couple of wins would take them to the edge of the promotion race .
19 A good performance in the ‘ B ’ or regional squads may bring you to the attention of the national coach , and may also result in your promotion to the élite squads .
20 Because getting young Rossiter up to eleven lengths will see me to the grave .
21 Particular molecules will attach themselves to the enzyme surface so that atoms can be transferred rapidly .
22 AN anonymous phone call to police could lead them to the mother of the newborn baby boy abandoned on a golf course .
23 His driver and an assistant were told to leave ; the police would accompany him to the border .
24 Undergraduates who intend to pursue a career in the profession are advised to ensure that their courses will entitle them to the maximum exemptions from the examination and training requirements of the various professional accounting bodies in the UK .
25 Trade unions should confine themselves to the business of wages and conditions .
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