Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [adv] be [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Generally these four factors work together in combination , though syllables may sometimes be made prominent by means of only one or two of them .
2 He said since the incident new instructions insisted that loads must never be left unsupported , supports must be put in place to stop the tube falling and a wider slot in the pipe was now used making the operation easier , quicker and safer .
3 A range of modellers should thus be made available and selected according to the needs of the specific problem being investigated .
4 Authors should never be held responsible for their publishers ' blurbs , and so one is spared the embarrassment of assessing the claim that Hugh Trevor-Roper is ‘ Britain 's greatest living historian ’ .
5 Unbeaten at home this season , and with just two defeats away from home , Mick McGiven 's enterprising East Anglians must now be considered serious contenders for honours .
6 They asked if funds could possibly be made available for refurbishment or replacement of the battered furniture .
7 A 40–46 h interval between the PMSG and hCG injections will usually be found optimal .
8 A list giving likely publications by the Comptroller and Auditor General in the coming months will now be made available in the Library .
9 Judges may still be accorded charismatic qualities , however , partly because of their high social and economic standing , partly because of the mystique of the legal ritual and partly because they embody the law 's impartiality .
10 These nets must also be fastened top and bottom to each stake since they will be required to catch rabbits bolting in either direction .
11 EPS ( Encapsulated PostScript ) files containing TIFF bit-images can now be displayed on-screen and printed on non-PostScript printers .
12 The project will investigate how information about such expectations and values could usefully be made available .
13 These weightings may then be adjusted relative to the pattern recogniser .
14 The alternatives must both be made available to the subject if the plain purpose of the subsection is to be achieved .
15 But the Ministry of Defence says seventy-six civilian workers will still be made redundant .
16 The same separation of colours will also be made visible to our observer for any raindrop that is situated in a region of the sky such that the line joining the raindrop to the sun makes an angle D with the line joining the raindrop to the observer .
17 Standard thin sections required for teaching collections or archive purposes can now be given self-adhesive labels on which can be written all the details of the sample .
18 Whether lexically unrelated idioms can ever be considered exact translation equivalents , however , is debatable . )
19 There is an immediate paradox here though : attempted murder may not involve the infliction of any harm at all , since a person who shoots at another and misses may still be held guilty of attempted murder .
20 Customers must also be given sufficient information about the risks involved in a transaction adequately to assess the merits of that transaction .
21 Physical controls on capital spending remained , but , as under Labour , with the gradual restoration of the weakened economic base more resources could progressively be made available .
22 Accountants would always be kept busy showing the rest of us how to work the system .
23 It is true that the recession has been putting their customers out of business , but accountants will always be kept busy picking up the pieces , or explaining in long reports why other accountancy firms got it wrong and are liable for a fortune in damages .
24 Panels can also be supplied unglazed , or in a wide range of plain , patterned , leaded , or thermo-ceramic coloured decorative glass .
25 And on the other side , subordinate groups have no other recourse than armed revolt if they are deprived of other means of exercising political rights ; or they may find themselves in a situation where their formal rights can only be made effective in practice by the use or threat of violence .
26 Thus policy based on statistical forecasts can easily be rendered counterproductive .
27 My own belief , for which I shall attempt to argue , is that , whatever may become of the GCSE ( and its future seems very speculative ) , A levels should gradually be made redundant .
28 The relationship between partners should normally be made clear in the partnership deed .
29 The defendant who had not " examined " , in the sense of personally inspected , the offending items might nonetheless be given reasonable cause to suspect obscenity by clandestine or unorthodox behaviour on the part of his supplier .
30 Targets for performance by each profit centre can be established , actual results monitored against targets and control action taken by appropriate subordinates with the necessary authority ; the subordinates would then be held accountable and responsible for their results , and areas of efficiency or inefficiency within the organisation would be more easily identified and remedied .
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