Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the post office is correct , then Elizabeth II on coins may well confuse future historians .
2 In some cells , there are suggestions that these inositol phosphates may directly activate specific channels in the plasma membrane .
3 Different institutions may well have different costs and different maximands due to differing efficiencies or other strengths , but there is no absolute standard of efficiency , because of the informational constraints .
4 These results lend support to the idea that tenascin alternative splice forms may also have functional significance at the protein level .
5 Exposure to teaching by other staff might also increase motivation in those nurses who do not themselves normally participate in teaching , and such improvements may also have financial benefits in the longer term through overall increases in efficiency .
6 Martin Harrison ( 1989 , p. 656 ) accepts that television ‘ reporting of routine , uncontroversial activities may well give incumbent governments an inbuilt advantage ’ but he rejects the idea of applying the concepts of impartiality and balance to the governing party 's total television coverage .
7 The demographic ageing in some member states may also induce increased migration , especially with the economic difficulties of Eastern Europe and West Germany 's acceptance of Eastern migrants of German origin .
8 The occasional carriage of higher risk loads should only attract once-off premiums .
9 There was no suggestion that local authorities should slavishly copy standard designs , but council-house architecture nevertheless received a considerable stamp of uniformity .
10 Whether the party in office has been Conservative or Labour , the first consideration has been that Ulster policies must never injure electoral prospects .
11 In addition , reading programmes should certainly include shared experiences , whether in small groups , or within a whole class .
12 As he suggests , biological and psychological imperatives may well take different forms .
13 Micritic carbonates such as those from mud build-ups and some calcretes may also have cryptic textures which can be revealed by gentle etching with a dilute acid ( e.g. 5% hydrochloric acid ) .
14 Speakers may still make respectful remarks about the market , but few want it to be free .
15 Thus in discussing the role of " the teacher " , " the media producer " and " the librarian " , we must not forget that individuals acting in these roles may well have other qualifications and experience in addition .
16 All schools must also provide religious instruction ( the only part of the curriculum prescribed by law , until the 1988 Education Reform Act ) , and this must be non-denominational except in voluntary schools .
17 Appraisals should also compare different projects which compete against each other for scarce resources such as funds , people , land or raw materials and allow the correct decision to be made .
18 In the case of the ‘ Anglo-Saxon conspiracy ’ I do not believe that the majority of international referees would intentionally take biased decisions in favour of one side simply because they happen to speak the same language .
19 The selection factors are presumably the same , crabs will always take wide-mouthed shells first and elongated shells must always be more vulnerable to wave action : selection produces different results because it is operating on genetically different populations .
20 Packets will also carry quantified information about tar and nicotine content for the first time .
21 Words can also have different meaning according to the context in which they are used .
22 But because the BBC film has not shown any examples of police violence , these de-contextualised images can only signify unprovoked violence by pickets .
23 Readers can hardly remain passive consumers , or be seduced by the covert ideologies , of a text they have literally had to piece together , page by page , for themselves .
24 For although he rightly states ( p. 122 ) that syntax as such is not rhythmic , syntactic units can intermittently form rhythmic groups — the nineteen " tone units " Cureton identifies in the Yeats poem could just as easily , and more satisfactorily , be defined as clauses and phrases of various kinds .
25 Clients can also buy extra vouchers for specific occasions , although regular extra vouchers would alert the service to the possibility of a new assessment of need .
26 While recognising that conflict is something we bring to a relationship and is not inherent in the substance of the relationship itself , the circumstances of those relationships can nonetheless bring enormous pressure to bear on the responses we may make .
27 ‘ Transient Response ’ in the case of a speaker refers to its ability to reproduce sounds across a wide frequency spectrum and while most speakers can efficiently deliver good low-mid range , most non-bass dedicated speakers can only imply low bass .
28 One of the questions most central to this research was whether drivers can generally report fluctuating levels of subjective risk .
29 Careful attention to processes and the disposal of spent baths can often have beneficial effects , while changes in methods can produce very large changes in the character of the effluent .
30 Space savings can also provide hard cost savings , although this , of course , depends on commercial property rental values .
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