Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [be] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 External views may be presented to the user through the use of host language programs or a query language but they may also be obtained through a dialogue , which approaches a natural language dialogue , or via a menu .
2 Expert skills may be related to the tangible , like bookbinding or open-heart surgery , or the more intangible , like negotiation or ability to analyse .
3 Haslam paints the picture of a corporate impresario who recognises the various talents and skills of those around him and orchestrates events so that these talents may be used to the greatest benefit of the enterprise .
4 In particular these transformations may be applied to the potentials for the metric functions that will be described in Section 12.4 .
5 The combination of the narrator 's voice with features associated with the characters ' thought patterns may be compared to the use of free indirect thought in fictions in which the " voices ' of narrator and characters are blended , sometimes almost inextricably .
6 These improvements may be attributed to the adjustments , described in Chapter 6 , which BRAC had made to its standard lobon-gur message as a result of the 1984 observations .
7 I have set out below a brief paragraph in respect of each question which you could use in your replies , however I would be grateful if you would qualify any replies to indicate that these are general answers and that any specific queries on individual cases should be referred to the Council Tax Section at Chesser House or myself .
8 But it is difficult to know whether their defence of the Masai in such cases should be attributed to the peculiarly seductive qualities of this people , or to the well-documented tendency of District Officers throughout British Africa to become closely identified , in a paternal and proprietary way , with the interests of ‘ their ’ tribe .
9 From the tone is dull and lifeless , and no important solo-work revolving round these notes should be given to the clarinet .
10 Notes should be added to the drawings to ensure that
11 All detected faults and queries should be reported to the LIFESPAN support service in the form of a Software Performance Report accompanied by any supporting documentation , such as a listing of the process log file .
12 Stories ( no longer than 250 words ) and completed entry forms should be posted to the above address , to arrive not later than 30 November .
13 To be included in this brochure , completed forms must be returned to the above address by the first week in December .
14 The use of portable fire extinguishers particularly of the class A type and of hose reels should be encouraged to the requirements of the B.S. Code of Practice , and to the Scale of Allowances , of the Fire Offices ' Committee .
15 Malignant disease , especially colonic neoplasia is rare in young subjects so investigations should be tailored to the patients age and the clinical setting .
16 French forestry officials argue that only 100,000 cubic metres of timber are felled each year , but agree that roads opened up by loggers should be closed to the public .
17 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) has launched a campaign for the countryside which calls on the government to have a full package of countryside reforms in place by June 1993 when such plans must be submitted to the EC .
18 Changes of code are minimized , but new activities must be added to the list from time to time .
19 Donations to support the Trust 's activities should be sent to The Treasurer , The Hon Piers Gibson , 25 Sumner Place , London SW7 3NT .
20 The Trade Counter remains New Era 's distributor and returns should be sent to the Mendlesham address .
21 However , in December the government achieved a breakthrough in its protracted campaign to trace and retrieve the huge sums believed to have been looted from the country by the Marcos family , when the Swiss Supreme Court ruled that funds held by the family in Swiss bank accounts should be returned to the government of the Philippines , but stipulated that this could be done only after a Philippines ' court had ruled against Marcos [ see p. 37961 ] .
22 Governing bodies drug testing programmes should be returned to the Council by 26 February 1988 .
23 Several riders must be added to the bald statement that class-differentiated linguistic codes help to explain the contradiction between initial statements of attitudes and overall feelings .
24 The problem of neonatal infections due to antibiotic resistant organisms ( for example , coagulase negative staphylococci , Gram negative bacilli ) in special care units may be related to the widespread use of broad spectrum antibiotics in neonates .
25 The first sessions may be limited to the patient learning how to move his body , arm or leg into the right positions , while the therapist performs most of the actual dressing .
26 Adults who prefer sex with animals may be returning to the stage when there was little distinction between humans and animals , and use an animal as a substitute for sexual relations with a parent .
27 Annotations or labels may be attached to the clones and probes .
28 I think private cars should be limited to the infirm , really . ’
29 The initial bone of contention was the question of the terms on which sympathizers should be admitted to the Party .
30 The initial bone of contention was the question of the terms on which sympathizers should be admitted to the party .
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