Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [be] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is a danger that some schools may be so busy fishing for pupils in other people 's ponds that they forget to guard their own .
2 Well I was impressed by the erm the Maxwell erm peoples comments that the funds should be clearly marked pension fund accounts and and that er there would be regulations that this money could n't be transferred without some the regulator again or somebody making er agreeing to the transaction , but I erm fully understand that would be erm very time-consuming , but er that 's the only way I can see that , that the fund should be clearly marked that they 're pension fund and should n't be transferred without some some authority agreeing to it .
3 The clovers should be predominantly wild white which , though less bulky , are hardier and longer-lasting than red clover and alsike .
4 The course is therefore structured to prepare students whose aspirations may be either single discipline orientated or who wish to pursue a more diverse route .
5 ‘ We 're very concerned ; carers will be under immense stress because of inadequate support and relief , while the elderly are at much greater risk of being alone in the community ’ .
6 Few performers would be entirely happy touring the country as , say , Oswald Mosley , although it might make for a more interesting evening dramatically .
7 All departments would be under close scrutiny , but none more than the Department of Health and Social Security , which was by far the biggest spender in Whitehall .
8 Editor , — After the full implementation of the community care reforms local authorities will be under increased pressure to use all sources of information about their clients ' and population 's needs for community care services .
9 So if group captain White has already given you an example of the reduction we 've made in in some of our er scalings of those equipment , er it was also suggested by the contractors that economies could be achieved by reducing the number of bases , the extent to which all squadrons should be fully multi role equipped and by contractualising more of the second and third line support , erm , we and the other partners are still considering these proposals in detail er and have n't actually taken decisions yet but there are certainly some possibilities in that area for er economies against the original cost estimate .
10 For a high degree of rejection , the capacitors must be very low loss and the resistors must exhibit very little capacitance .
11 It is likely that the panel requirements will be under regular scrutiny and in particular it is likely that there will be an increasing tendency towards ongoing monitoring of those who are panel members .
12 I think all these regeneration schemes should be under democratic control .
13 Some of us are far more comfortable asserting our status through control , while others will be more comfortable seeking commonality .
14 Adhesives can be either rubber solution glue or egg white , which was used by the Victorians , and I think it is still the best option as it does not mark the leaves and flowers — commercial glues do after a time .
15 Mirrors can be very attractive wall decorations in their own right , although there are others that seem to be lacking a certain something .
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