Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] [verb] [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However successful these policies may have been in the fifties we have , I believe , convincing evidence that they have failed since the world-wide inflation which started with the mismanagement of the finances raised to pay for the Vietnam War .
2 However popular such finely decorated silver plates may have been among the wealthy Britons , it is highly unlikely that they would be seen by the working potters , who would have had to rely on a more popular source for their repertoire .
3 These upland areas may have been in the form of downland , with good quality grassland , or rough upland pastures , such as the commons and wastes of the higher mountainous regions .
4 Those Belgians must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time , and they probably saw something they should n't have seen , so someone shut them up for good .
5 Since these experiences will have been in the schools in which the workshop teachers teach , it is obvious that there will be a great deal of sharing of ideas before the actual presentations and their subsequent discussions take place .
6 The various cups and horns in graves may have been for the consumption of alcoholic liquid , including beor , ealu , medu and win ( Fell 1975 ) .
7 We are all aware that streams dry up , valleys fill with silt ( Fig. 3 ) , and that changes can occur along the coast , but we perhaps underestimate how great these changes may have been in the last 1000 years .
8 Effectively this means that the previous dealings must have been on the same terms and a consistent procedure must have been followed .
9 The repeated readings must have been in the nature of a penance , which , because of his awareness of his own prejudices , was deliberately self-imposed .
10 By all accounts , not many years ago the Western Isles must have been among the most depressed of the peripheral areas of Europe .
11 Browse in the gift shop or enjoy refreshment in the restaurant , and you can reflect for a few moments on how different things might have been without the events of 1066 .
12 For a start , most dealers were young and ignorant characters who before drifting into their present positions might have been on the dole , or at University , or in menial office jobs , at which time they probably did n't even know what stocks and shares were .
13 WHERE difficulties can occur is in the matter of families .
14 These conclusions are probably most valid for the female Type 2 diabetic subject , in whom it is interesting to speculate that serum lipid levels may have been towards the upper end of the normal distribution even in adolescence .
15 ‘ The corpses must have been in the marsh for days , even weeks .
16 and the basis , basics would have been by the end of next week but certain , assuming that they are not interrupted and sort of dragged onto something more lucrative the bad news will have been quantified by then .
17 Although the number of Poles may have been on the increase there was very little sign in Prussia that they were organising to reinstate an independent Poland .
18 He feared what the results might have been from the local elections and he 's , he 's an example in fact of a prime minister who went into the elections trailing in the opinion polls .
19 This again suggests that the boys may have been in the wrong , which there is no question of in Ballantyne .
20 A fondness for dumb beasts may have been in the Hauxwell blood , because her Uncle Tommy , not a sentimental man in his later years , was a compassionate ‘ amateur ’ vet in Baldersdale .
21 It is also possible that life developed , and if the rate of evolution was about twice as rapid as on the Earth then intelligent beings may have been among the organisms roasted to death as the Sun 's luminosity rose , the small oceans evaporated , and the CO 2 emerged from the rocks .
22 It is interesting to speculate what the consequences would have been for the curriculum if his view had prevailed .
23 Professor A. Thom found that the stones could have been along the perimeter of an accurately drawn ellipse using the " Megolithic yard " ( 2.72 ft . ) .
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