Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb -s] that [det] [noun] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Knowledge of the properties of shapes means that any exemplars can be recognized as such and distinguished from non-exemplars However , some pupils recognize some exemplars of a particular shape as such and not others .
2 They are ‘ normal events ’ , arising almost naturally out of the circumstances of the employment relationship itself : ‘ A wildcat can break out in perfectly normal conditions , and the structure of the relations between employers , trade unions , governments and workers guarantees that some strikes will grow from small beginnings into mighty struggles ’ ( p.241 ) .
3 The fragility of most Early Netherlandish panels means that most museums will refuse loans save for a very good reason .
4 Although debt enquiries still only account for 6 — 7 per cent of total enquiries , the severity of the problems means that each case can take over 12 hours of interviewing and office work to handle .
5 The enormous cost of contested libel actions means that most plaintiffs will need financial support from unions or employers .
6 The feminist commitment to changing gender relations demands that such relationships should be explored .
7 The freedom of much animal behaviour from physically specifiable constraints implies that many animals must have inner representations and symbolic language .
8 she added : ‘ Looking good on your book jackets means that more people will read you . ’
9 The evidence already cited on the worsening position of the poorest in the unemployment stakes suggests that these assumptions will lead to an underestimate of the difficulties the poor have in finding work .
10 Even today , the expense and shortage of houses means that many couples will start married life living with one or other of their sets of parents .
11 A survey on the like effects of global warming on Britain 's butterflies suggests that most species will benefit from the milder winters and drier summers which are predicted .
12 Although there is no certain association between the two , the fact that both occur in a similar group of women suggests that some care should be taken in following up women who have suffered from herpetic infection of the cervix .
13 Best practice in the conservation studios dictates that all repairs should be clearly visible .
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