Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] a [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 His first words were a salute to the people of South Africa , to whom he declared : " I stand here before you not as a prophet but as a humble servant of you , the people .
2 Her hands were on his shoulders and she was pleading , but the words were a blur in the swirling mist of need and pain that engulfed him .
3 I have always thought boils were a symptom of the first signs of scurvy , caused by a lack of ascorbic acid , vitamin C. Surely diet , rather than lesions and subsequent infection , is a much more important factor ?
4 The government 's bill proposed that the President should mediate in disputes between the government and the Sejm ; such disputes were a feature of the outgoing parliament .
5 Worst of all , the heavy four-motor cars were a drain on the electrical distribution system , especially in South Shore , and sometimes a whole section would go ‘ dead ’ .
6 It is conceivable that the forceful suppression of women 's inordinate sexual demands was a pre-requisite to the dawn of every modern civilization , and almost every human culture .
7 Her return to mere domestic grievances was a relief after the nightmare about the army .
8 One of the early attractions was a fountain in the middle of the floor .
9 The question was whether reimbursement of these fares by the clients was a consideration for the supply of services and , if it was , whether it was liable to Value Added Tax .
10 Communication between constable peers was a threat to the discipline of command .
11 A further consequence of a rather haphazard system of acquiring information for the recommendation of schools was a suspicion on the part of some headteachers that the invitation to participate was based on personal contacts and the preferences and prejudices of , for example , the local inspector .
12 Such phrases were a fashion of the time and sufficiently vague to be meaningless as a guide on any serious policy matter .
13 In essence , the initiatives taken by larger companies were a consequence of the radical economic strategy which was promoted by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry ( MITI ) from the early 1950s .
14 Also among the visitors was a representative of the National Free Church Council , the most important example of Nonconformist ‘ imperialist efficiency ’ to emerge in the nineteenth century .
15 A visit to the market on Wednesdays was a highlight of the week when we were too young for school .
16 Indeed , much of the merger movement within countries was a reaction to the strengthening of overseas competition .
17 The common factor to all the manipulations was a change in the water balance around the growing shoot .
18 Taped to the mirror behind the bottles was a poster of the Lapierre of Dijon cycling team squinting into the sun , arms crossed , immense thighs bulging from long black shorts .
19 The group declared in a statement that the attacks were a protest against the government 's asylum policy , which it claimed " writes off , excludes and dehumanizes people " .
20 But Mr Charlton declined to say whether the Skipton would receive higher commissions on the sale of investment products , or whether commissions were a factor in the severing of the L&G link .
21 Those statements were a testament to the life and spirit the plaintiff has within her .
22 If country banks were a product of the latter half of the eighteenth century , country banking functionally defined has a longer history , despite the fact that only a dozen institutions formally known as banks were in existence before 1750 .
23 It had not been a response to an immediate military threat , but rather to something fundamentalist and almost intuitive — a feeling that Britain must possess so climacteric a weapon in order to deter an atomically armed enemy , a feeling that Britain as a great power must acquire all major new weapons , a feeling that atomic weapons were a manifestation of the scientific and technological superiority on which Britain 's strength , so deficient in sheer numbers of men , must depend .
24 Finally , in the late fifth century Epaminondas was a pupil of the Pythagorean Lysis of Tarentum .
25 Section i concluded that the interest shown in trust wordings was a reflection of the demand that , although formless , a trust should be phrased in words which demonstrated an unequivocal intention on the part of the deceased to bind a trustee to do something for a beneficiary .
26 Seen in feudal terms , the Crusades were a defence of the Lord 's rights to which , in all loyalty , all Christians should contribute , either personally or in other ways .
27 Such conditions were a ruse by the North to make the South pay an unfair share of the cost of protecting the environment , said Bernard Chidzero , the Zimbabwe finance minister , at the September 1989 Commonwealth finance ministers ' meeting in Jamaica .
28 Conditions were a disgrace in the second half , ’ said McLean who has never hidden his hatred of a strong wind .
29 John Major , whose declared policy is to keep inflation between one and four per cent next year , said the figures were a boost for the economy .
30 The visiting party had concluded that the management problems were a threat to the academic standards of the institution , and most faculties were affected .
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