Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] [v-ing] [prep] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On March 29 Moscow radio reported that almost all Ossete villages in South Ossetia had been razed by Georgian militants , and on the following day there were ominous reports from officials in North Ossetia that 12,000 armed Georgians were massing for an assault on Tskhinvali and surrounding districts still under Ossete control .
2 Second , the regulators were looking for an infusion of capital from outside the banking industry .
3 ( Notice that this requires that each of the original companies were producing at an output below minimum efficient scale . )
4 STRANGE things were happening on an Ulster hillside last week .
5 ‘ I remember once , though , when Sounds were searching for an interview and I happened to know that the whole thing was a set-up .
6 It 's all going wrong for Forest just when Frank Clark thought his problems were coming to an end .
7 Well because I thought that the hits were coming to an end and I did n't want to become an all-round entertainer , I was n't suited to it , I w I did n't have any feeling for all-round entertaining .
8 If the figures below from audience surveys in 1960 , 1967 and 1973 are reliable , then the number of households with radio sets was growing by an average of more than 100,000 per year .
9 No wonder my innards were craving for an ice-cream , a beefburger , a ham-and-salad sandwich , a hot-dog .
10 In Pennsylvania in 1975 , two seamen were working in an office when another sailor appeared in the office and aimed a shot at one seaman 's head and fled .
11 JUST when they thought the good times were coming to an end , Japanese building firms are being given a batch of orders for huge infrastructure projects .
12 But there could have been a little more hope if Huddersfield referee Steve Bell had given a penalty when David Cork was manhandled to the ground in the six yard box when Quakers were looking for an equaliser .
13 The servants believed there was some blight on Iskandara and her mother — they had gossiped across Alexandra in her nursery when she was supposedly too small to understand — some blight so that only daughters were born to these remarkable women who craved sons , and lone daughters at that , born late , at a time when most women were coming to an end of their childbearing .
14 Two students were studying for an MSc by research , and the rest were doing other things .
15 Teaching was the only practical possibility though one of the few other options was acting as an agent for Tootals ties .
16 The studios were rocking from an earthquake none of them believed was happening .
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