Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But its characteristics were more at the level of perception than of narrative : peripheral vision ; proximity to the image ; and massive amplification of sound .
2 It was all over after 41 laps when Hill 's engine blew … his hopes and those of all the home fans were up in the smoke
3 Her legs were out to the side like that
4 I ca n't describe it , she had , her legs were out to the side , but they were pointing down like that
5 My legs were all over the show and I 've got to stand tall tomorrow . ’
6 Second best were the grammar schools , deemed to be a kind of honorary public schools ; secondary modern schools were not in the running .
7 The remaining problem was that although all the physical activities of the Branch , except for the field work , were concentrated in one place at Farnborough , our offices were still with the Department of Trade in central London .
8 All the offices were still within the partnership and all the partners still had joint and several responsibility , but the bank said no .
9 Where clients were already in an institution , or about to be admitted , when the development officers received their names as referrals , they generally accepted that there was little the Home Support Project could do .
10 Now what they , what they were supposed to do erm I never did know but there were quite a number of these er men who lived in this train and they had a lieutenant who 's quite a handsome chap by all accounts , he used to come into the office a chap named lieutenant and erm erm this was one of the things that landed on Joyce 's plant er plate and er she used to meet these Education Officers and arrange for courses and in the er in Lieutenant 's case of course there was er , instruction in English which erm erm Stanley who was a Headmaster of er Area School he undertook classes for these Polish chaps but er so often of course these erm , these units were only in the area for a limited space of time so you could n't arrange anything very , very comprehensive
11 ‘ The kids were out in the lake on one of those pedal boats .
12 Yet although my addresses were chiefly in the nature of pep-talks , I usually contrived to work in what today would be called ‘ culture ’ , and sometimes the pub scene in The Waste Land or parts of Portrait of a Lady would go down with a wow .
13 Since the lawmakers were mostly of the creditor class , their attitude was to retain a statute by which they could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtor and his detention at their will .
14 I do n't think we could ever have made Caring for People work when the CPNs were here in the hospital and the social workers were 10 miles away in Retford . ’
15 The Jews were back in the ground again .
16 Other designers were also on the track of trailing edge resonance .
17 The two Under Secretaries were immediately below the Secretary of State , and the Chief Clerk was next in seniority .
18 Sir Nicholas Hunt of Eurotunnel , writing in Annales des Mines , claimed that the Kent Impact Study had done much to reassure local opinion about the Tunnel and that the doubters were now in a minority .
19 Several rhynchosaurs have been found in association with fragments of plants ( though it is not possible to say from a juxtaposition of fossils whether those fragments were ever inside the animal ) and the diet probably consisted of leaves , stems , fruit and seeds of seed-ferns , conifers , ginkgos , equisitales ( horsetails ) and ferns ( Figure 2 ) .
20 It is also true to say that if the Opposition parties were ever in a position to put their policies into effect , that self-employment record would inevitably be gravely harmed and the cause of women in particular would suffer much more .
21 And strangely enough , the branch , the branches were not in the machinery of negotiations .
22 In 1950 the streamlined cars were still in the wartime green livery , as seen here at Squires Gate , with the Airport in the background .
23 ‘ All the cars were out on the forecourt and priced and the staff were very helpful .
24 The lads were already at the armoury drawing their rifles , then there was the briefing .
25 Susan giggled when the two lads were up at the bar .
26 His performances were ever at the service of the text , and invariably characters were created .
27 After the summer of 1921 the Anti-Waste threat receded , but this was largely because Unionist candidates were now on the bandwagon with them , demanding cuts as loudly as anyone .
28 I would have liked to specialise in classics or literature , but the teachers of these two subjects were away at the war , so it was necessary to take up mathematics which the headmaster himself taught .
29 From school I knew this parable by heart , and I think the reader must have known it too , because as he reached the concluding sentences , his frail hands were already feeling for the embroidered marker and preparing to close the great heavy book , so that his eyes were not on the page but were gazing unseeing into mine as he spoke the final well-worn words , ‘ Then said Jesus unto him , ‘ Go , and do thou likewise . ’ ’
30 His eyes were now on the roof .
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