Example sentences of "[noun pl] [was/were] [verb] [conj] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll start as soon as I can , ’ she promised suddenly , knowing as the words were spoken that they sealed her decision once and for all .
2 The survey of 866 dentists in the dental journal The Probe , says : ‘ When dentists were asked whether they had extracted , or referred for extraction , any teeth which they might not have done before the introduction of the 1990 contract , 61 per cent said they had , while nearly 37 per cent said they had not . ’
3 The two single Chromides were chased if they encroached within 9″ of the spawning site .
4 Subjects were asked if they considered they were ever constipated .
5 But the dark grey eyes were smouldering as they dropped briefly from the stormy curve of her mouth to her body , scantily clad in garments that were casual in the extreme , her favourite faded denim shorts cut from an old pair of jeans , and the little white cotton bustier into which she had changed on her return from work , planning to spend the humid twilight time out on her balcony before preparing to attend a local record company 's promotion party .
6 At the moment her eyes were coaxing as they turned on Alain , but when she had looked at Jenna there had been a coldness that was quickly hidden .
7 Several of the care assistants working at the homes were angered because they claimed they were not told what was happening .
8 The master 's books were inspected and they showed a balance of about £50 ( which was more than enough to pay the wages ) .
9 It was inevitable yesterday , as Gordon Brown gave his performance , that Labour 's backbenchers were wondering whether they had picked the right man .
10 The districts were chosen because they had made some progress in care programming .
11 Always a footballing footballer , even when under pressure in defence , Derek 's quality was there for all to see and the appreciation of the Palace fans was shown when they elected him as our Player of the Year in 1975 .
12 There had been bad harvests and disastrous storms , the spirit of the islanders was broken and they petitioned the government to help them leave St Kilda for good .
13 For the final tape a small production team of seven from the two schools was formed and they spent an extra day on this activity .
14 My well-worn schoolboy shoes were polished until they shone like glass .
15 Analysis of the gas in the balloon told the team how much oxygen the camels were using as they walked .
16 My boots and feet were smouldering when they found me .
17 Whereas initially sites were linked because they produced similar artefacts — stone tools rather than metal ones , for example — it soon became clear that there were different types of stone tools , to take just one group .
18 After this , the school itself took complete responsibility for sex education and , as was mooted in public debate in the late 1980s , they operated a system of ‘ opting in ’ rather than ‘ opting out ’ by which parents were asked whether they wished their children to participate .
19 Copeland found that more tubers were infected after they had been passed over an elevator digger which was lifting stocks of heavily infested tubers .
20 The sun was throwing its last handfuls of sunlight into the sky and the gulls were crying as they circled around the school .
21 Rovers were bubbling and they made it two on 15 minutes .
22 In a study in which children 's eye movements were recorded while they scanned an array and listened to messages to focus on items in the array ( Lloyd , 1983 ) , it was found that the number of shifts between the items in the referent array varied significantly as a function of message adequacy .
23 The final goodbyes were said and they stepped out from the smell of wood smoke , food and wine from a room which Dalgliesh was beginning to find uncomfortably warm into the fresh , sea-scented air .
24 Friends ' lives were changing as they split up with old partners , found new ones , bought flats , changed jobs .
25 Carers were asked whether they found it difficult to cope with any of the tasks they performed .
26 The report concluded , ‘ we should be very foolish to argue that the economic system would not work if prices and incomes were behaving as they have behaved during some of the most prosperous epochs ; that is to say , rising slowly ’ .
27 An inquest has been hearing how a bomb expert and four other workers were killed as they helped to clear Gulf War debris in the Kuwaiti desert .
28 The five workers were dismissed when they refused to accept the demotions .
29 There were no worries when entire troupes toured as their Captains were always experienced travellers but often one or two replacements were needed and they had to travel in couples or even alone .
30 The motion-picture industry moved instinctively against a man whose message aroused dissent and , as we have seen , there were critics who could see even as the films were released that they offered humbug and prejudice masquerading as philosophy .
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