Example sentences of "[noun pl] [is] [verb] [adv prt] by the " in BNC.

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1 Investigation in these areas is carried out by the police .
2 Though the operation of the principles embodied in these generalizations is borne out by the vast majority of the careers of scholars listed in the biographical dictionaries who came to maturity after the beginning of the sixteenth century , both generalizations require some degree of qualification .
3 Much of the difference between costs and revenues is made up by the losses of owners .
4 The slow progress of the campaign to put women into top executive positions is borne out by the results of an Economist survey carried out while compiling the 1993 Crawford 's Directory of City Connections .
5 The argument that these spontaneous housing settlements are a superior form of accommodation to the city slums is borne out by the consolidation that takes place in low-income settlements .
6 The selection criteria of children is laid down by the government department appropriate to education and health .
7 Therefore , while most of the effort in preparing plans is put in by the business units , the planning department attempts to guide the strategic discussion by identifying key environmental issues .
8 The day-to-day running of the offline operations is carried out by the Offline Operator who requires no knowledge of LIFESPAN itself .
9 A further control on local authorities is carried out by the local ombudsman ( see Chapter 9 ) .
10 Our strong commitment to the quality of the teaching and learning experience offered to students is borne out by the increasing percentage of first class and upper second class degrees awarded .
11 Yes , this is what big shops , particularly in America , have now been doing for a few years , in that the till that takes your order as it were is also a computer terminal on line to large computers somewhere else , and every time your tin of baked bins is checked out by the girl on the till , it is adjusting the stocks on its large computer and saying , ‘ Hey , we 're going to run out of baked beans at approximately ten o'clock tomorrow morning .
12 However , the conversion from a numeric user-address to a device address in terms of cylinders and records is carried out by the manufacturer 's software , and thus involves an overhead of both primary storage space and CPU time .
13 This unusual state of events is brought about by the fact that in 1822 the subscribed fund was invested and the winner receives the interest .
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