Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] they be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Puritan homes in which novels were banned , and in Evangelical homes where they were banned on Sundays , generations of children , often skipping the doctrinal dialogue , have been fascinated and excited to imagine themselves to be Christian and Christiana , never knowing what adventures they will find around the next corner and confident that there will be a happy ending .
2 These pellets may accumulate in great concentrations if they are deposited from regular nest or roost sites ( Southern , 1954 ; Lockie , 1955 ; Dare , 1961 ; Simms , 1961 ; McNally , 1964 ; Dean , 1973 ; Glue , 1971,1977 ; Glue & Hammond , 1974 ) .
3 Such lags may be consistent with an absence of arbitrage opportunities if they are caused by traders choosing to exploit information in the futures market , and/or a delay in the response of the calculated index ( stale prices ) .
4 Yanto and Molly followed them with their eyes until they were lost from view among the trees .
5 ‘ Look at me , ’ he said , and she did , slowly opening her eyes until they were fixed on his face .
6 Some insurers give discounts for fitting anti-theft devices and others , like Norwich Union , wo n't insure some cars unless they are fitted with immobilisers .
7 These ‘ five techniques ’ ( requiring prisoners to wear hoods over their heads unless they were separated from other inmates or being interrogated , having them stand spreadeagled against a wall for up to 43 hours , depriving them of sleep , subjecting them to electronic noise and beating them ) were subsequently condemned as ‘ torture ’ by the European Rights Commission ( Hewitt , 1982:157–8 ) .
8 What constitute the elements of a structure , its units , never seems to be a problem for the structuralists because they are taken as an empirical property of the medium of signification ( the text ) .
9 A number of the tournaments to which you refer in your article had reduced entries because they are conflicted with other new events and not because of deteriorating interest .
10 Supporting her , other women who say they could also lose their homes because they 're separated from their RAF husbands .
11 Excuse me , can I finish , er many of them are chained to the parent 's legs while they 're collected for these people then to bring to a circus , traumatized and chained to the ground for life .
12 The minor age differences between zircons and other kimberlite minerals may result from the second magmatic pulse required to account for the disruption and deformation of MARID nodules before they are incorporated in the final erupted kimberlite .
13 2 families had to leave their homes after they were terrorised by a mob , angry they 'd been helping the Police to catch the joyriders .
14 Also , because of the type of accounting system adopted by all record companies , it is quite feasible for royalties generated from record sales in the UK to take nine months before they are paid to the artist .
15 On Aug. 15 , however , it was admitted that Gutfreund , Strauss and Meriwether all knew of the irregularities at least four months before they were reported to the authorities in early August .
16 Children were taken to hospital and teachers sent home from schools after they were overcome by fumes from the fire at ICI 's Lostock plant , near Northwich , Cheshire .
17 If the posts are only intended to curve the back , this can be better achieved by planing a curve on to the struts before they are glued to the back .
18 Also , various frames need to be used in order to find out if anything changes in the words when they are checked against frames with other words or pitch .
19 Troilus and Cressida say all the right words when they are informed of the Trojan plan to retrieve Antenor , but the fact that they say so much , and use such perfectly formed phrases , invalidates the underlying emotions .
20 Kleiman found that shadowing produced only moderate interference with judgements about the meanings of individual words when they were presented in pairs , whereas rhyming judgements were impaired .
21 The physiological ‘ triggers ’ for T-cell adhesion are unknown , but cytokines may be good candidates as they are released during inflammation and trigger adhesion in neutrophils and monocytes .
22 This work laid the foundation for the later unravelling of the interior structure of the earth , through observation of the behaviour of seismic waves as they are transmitted through it from distant earthquakes .
23 Volkswagen , which is the largest European car producer , has in recent months aligned itself behind the car protectionist lobby because , heavily dependent on high cost German labour , it is aware that it will have difficulties in beating off Japanese cars when they are imported without quotas into Europe .
24 We er yes , yes , we erm , one thing that did happen of course was that the area schools as they were called in those days became erm , described as modern schools
25 It should be remembered that in this chapter we are dealing only with stress within the word ; this means that we are looking at words as they are said in isolation , which is a rather artificial situation — we do not often say words in isolation , except for a few such as ‘ yes ’ , ‘ no ’ , ‘ possibly ’ , ‘ please ’ and interrogative words such as ‘ what ’ , ‘ who ’ , etc. , but looking at words in isolation does help us to see stress placement and stress levels more clearly than studying them in the context of continuous speech .
26 As the essence of this offence is stealing a ride , handcarts and pedestrian controlled vehicles etc. are not conveyances as they are designed for use only under the control of a person not carried in or on it .
27 It aims for a more helpful order than the major schemes by following the groupings of subjects as they are taught in schools .
28 The scheme lists simple or single concepts which have to be combined in order to accommodate complex subjects as they are encountered in documents .
29 The nest sites were particularly attractive to the hens when they were lined with rubber matting , or neoprine .
30 Top quality bags will have no visible stitching on the shells as they are made with internal seams .
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