Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] he [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 His brain seemed to be malfunctioning — his emotions felt like torn rags as he stared at the theatre programme that sat on top of his desk .
2 Herr Nordern groped for words as he stared at the envelopes with Steinmark written across them .
3 Yanto cycled on down the wharf , dodging the mooring ropes until he arrived at the berth of a small Norwegian timber boat called ‘ Marit , ’ registered in Oslo .
4 Like everyone else on holiday , he thought he had ‘ got away from it all ’ for a few days until he arrived at the famous White Horse Inn and was confronted by … fellow Fellow ( ! )
5 He was fifty when his rise to prominence began soon after the accession of Amenophis III , whom he was to serve for thirty years before he died at the age of eighty .
6 Together with Simon , Piggy had always got different solutions for problems because he looked at the world scientifically .
7 The mail arrived early and he opened his letters as he sat at the breakfast table .
8 Words with which he hoped to defend himself against imagined conspiracies , actual confession , real Guilts , and words that would too explicitly , too protestingly deny too much of the substance of his own present thoughts as he looked at the girl and his own former behaviour with many , many more of her kind .
9 ‘ Well , ’ the man replied between gasps as he heaved at the oars , ‘ there is something I can tell you . ’
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