Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] it [be] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Fond memories of Jerry Lee Lewis who blew up a storm of indignation in the 1950s , not to mention Presley , whose subversive pelvis was banned from television in some American states where it was only permitted to film Elvis-the-Pelvis from the waist upwards .
2 This ‘ technology transfer ’ is a process of innovation , but it involves spreading existing technology from sectors where it is conventionally used throughout industry so as to provide added value and competitive advantage .
3 There are still traces of hut circles attributed to an Iron Age occupation and , at the time of the Roman invasion , the local patriots , the Brigantes , established a hill fort to resist the foreign legions ; an ancient rampart wall , built around the perimeter of the summit and almost half a mile in circumference , has survived the centuries although it is now crumbled and has many gaps .
4 The Bettiscombe skull , preserved in the house at that time , was said to be that of a negro slave , so devoted to John Frederick that it emitted the most ghastly screams if it were ever parted from him .
5 And my mam went to him every day with the nurses oh it was months and months and months until it was completely cleared .
6 Around this grew a small village of woodcutters and stonemasons ' cottages and the hamlet led its isolated existence for centuries until it was eventually abandoned .
7 The treaty banning mining of the Antarctic for at least 50 years has finally been signed , at a ceremony in Madrid , several months after it was originally agreed in April [ see ED no. 46 ] .
8 Floors , or Fleurs as it was originally known , is situated in the Scottish Borders , halfway between Edinburgh and Newcastle upon Tyne .
9 The richest source of MUFAs is olive oil — there is a low incidence of coronary heart disease in Mediterranean countries where it 's widely used .
10 The support available from IDB represents a carefully structured package which provides assistance in those areas where it is most needed .
11 Until now , foreign aid agencies have chosen to ignore the opium growing around them , or chosen to operate in areas where it is not cultivated .
12 Regions are also allowed to change the boundaries of protected areas , thereby allowing hunting in areas where it was previously banned .
13 Well why would it be used in circumstances when it was not needed otherwise ?
14 Heat the butter and oil in a pan , add the steak and fry on both sides for about 5 minutes until it is well browned .
15 Made in larger quantities pesto can be preserved in jars if it is tightly packed ( no air pockets should remain ) and covered with a layer of olive oil .
16 The Supreme Soviet could at best exercise only a marginal influence on policy , laws and appointments since it was closely controlled by the executive ( see chapter 15 ) .
17 One or two offers of touring productions or guest star status in provincial reps came in , a sure sign that their managements were trying to cash in on the name of Michael Banks before it was completely forgotten .
18 Bob Wilson was so confident that the deal would go through that some weeks before it was even completed he had given authorisation for work to begin at the Boeing factory in Seattle to modify the aircraft to British CAA regulations and finish it in the red and grey Virgin livery .
19 The story of the lift does not end here , for it was many years before it was finally cut up and sold for scrap .
20 He had been educated in Britain and in 1875 , as an eighteen-year-old student , had brought the first football to Madeira — some thirteen years before it was ever played on the Portuguese mainland .
21 The ‘ pruning saw ’ normally sold for such work has teeth on two edges and , used in tight positions where it is invariably needed , great care and patience is essential to avoid the back edge causing damage to stems and growth that should not be harmed .
22 I agree with Jenny but I do n't think I am too frightened to slop on paint cos you know since I 've started doing pallet knife paintings cos it 's really made me feel fair more confident .
23 Take the High Road , which has been running for 13 years , does n't make the ratings tables because it is not slotted in a peak viewing time across the country .
24 The UK conversion to metric standards removed ambiguities from an area of international affairs because it was widely understood and accepted rather than because of any intrinsic merit .
25 More worrying , the long-finned gene seems to be creeping into broods where it 's not wanted .
26 Each species ' range is determined by the area within which it can outbreed potential rivals because it is better adapted to that set of conditions :
27 Equally , faith grows and flourishes when it is well nourished and exercised , so the best way to resist doubt is to build up faith rather than simply to fight against doubt .
28 In the first place it is to be accepted that it is made in wide terms though it is not said that they are so imprecise that there is a doubt as to what is covered by the order .
29 This question is as important for interests theories as it is rarely discussed , for harm to interests may be caused by remote actors .
30 Bernier constantly contrasts Mughal India and seventeenth-century France : the Jumna compares favourably with the Loire , he thinks ; adultery is easier in Paris than it is in Delhi : ‘ in France it only excites merriment , but in this part of the world there are few instances where it is not followed by some dreadful and tragical catastrophe . ’
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