Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore democratic socialism was feared and detested by doctrinaire Marxists because it offered planning in conjunction with freedom .
2 The leaflet will highlight issues which can be raised with parliamentary candidates when they coming knocking on doors , and will suggest some questions to ask .
3 Producer Peter Waterman once had to rescue his starlet from a gang of teenagers when they began spitting at her in a nightclub .
4 You 've learned there 's no hope with one-night standers , so simply say thanks for the meal , but no thanks when they start asking for the afters .
5 It is comparable with the oddness which might visit all our outward appearances if we stopped looking in mirror .
6 BBC children 's favourites Brian Cant and Ross King swept the 25-year-old beauty off her feet as she started preparing for a pantomime .
7 Psychologists believe a new-born infant learns to combine what it picks up through its various senses as it lies wriggling in its pram .
8 She 's only limping on it at certain times cos she came rushing into my bedroom last night and you were n't limping then !
9 They 're just doing a kind of tour of loads and loads of houses cos they keep moving with his job .
10 The partly-clothed body of Heidi Reddin was found in a water-filled ditch near her home in Downham Market , six weeks after she went missing on December 15 , 1976 .
11 But I do n't remember when that idea took over ; probably two or three years after I started working with Basil .
12 Green activists made some chilling discoveries when they went looking for environmentally friendly fridges .
13 Fillis fed sugar and carrots to horses belonging to other people , and was convinced that the horses lacked affection for their owners because they started whinnying to him after a number of visits with the food .
14 ‘ It was our best ever medal haul in the championships since I started coaching in 1961 , ’ said Long .
15 ‘ I would like to ask you three last things before I stop talking about it , ’ Matilda said .
16 Young children play with language , trying out sounds before they start experimenting with words .
17 I think we 're getting into very difficult or er waters when we start talking about the relative comparison with other routes which I have n't er myself included in my statement any reference to .
18 So Wilson and I were quite chummy together , and he looked at me approvingly through his thick-lensed glasses as I sat talking with his wife about , for instance , winter tasks .
19 If you favoured sweating it out , you sat around on tiered benches and chatted with your friends until you started dissolving into steam , and then got yourself scraped down by a slave with a sort of sickle thing called a strigil , and massaged , and oiled and perfumed , or if you were a real fanatic you probably went straight from the hot room to take a cold plunge , like sauna addicts rolling in the snow .
20 He was given lots of cuddles because he kept looking at us as if to say ‘ What has happened to me ? ’ ‘
21 I can accept their fears , but I think they should listen to the explanation from the professionals before they start jumping to conclusions . ’
22 ‘ We had over two inches of frosty snow on our sleeping bags as it kept blowing in the tent and we could n't close the door properly .
23 What he also could n't be expected to know ( and thank goodness he did n't ) , was how much more morally devastating were the V1 and V2 buzz bombs and rockets when they started falling on London soon after D-Day .
24 The cai prodded the five men until they began hobbling on their swollen , bleeding feet around the edge of the circle formed by their fellows .
26 And it is no bad thing that Karajan , whose concerts have been gala occasions now for the best part of forty years , also sold around one hundred million records since he began recording in earnest in 1946 .
27 They all had to wipe the smiles off their faces when she came striding through the door .
28 Sustad does not give interviews because he dislikes reading about climbing about as much as he dislikes talking about it .
29 Fred Finn , who appears in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world 's most travelled person , has clocked up a mind-boggling ten million miles since he started travelling on business , back in 1958 — and that includes no fewer than 687 flights on Concorde .
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