Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 that we should not have been asked to comment on … the way the curriculum would be affected by these materials and how the school itself would be looking at its way of using them , other than perhaps information skills where we could help them with commercial publications to give them some ideas .
2 Shabby streets scattered with litter , full of houses where they 'd give you a bed and a bowl of cereal for a fiver , no questions asked .
3 Outside the cage the photographer 's saying : ‘ When you jump , spread your arms and legs so I can see you . ’
4 We would n't want him to play the same trick on us , stealing our clients so he can deal them elsewhere , " said Fox Milton director Philip Raisey .
5 My wife asked me to dismantle an island breakfast bar , and retain the units so we could incorporate them into the existing kitchen later .
6 To get the most from this package you need to print your finished designs so you can pin it on your wall or desk , and scrawl on it .
7 I would make amends if they would contact me , and would be so glad to invite them to my home , to meet my wife and children .
8 Joel is n't a Catholic , as you know , but he 's told me that he believes there 's a Providence not so far away from us , really just above our heads if we could see it , that wants things to be the way they 're eventually going .
9 She saved her curses until she could shout them into the night — then swallowed them anyway out of paranoia .
10 I would like green eyes if I could have them but it 's just a passing thought , not a real obsession .
11 Do n't put it to the customers , do n't put it to your clients cos they 'll say we want one .
12 In October of this year I would like to hold another sale to raise £1,000 for Breast Cancer Research and would like to ask you readers if they would help me once again by donating one item no matter how small , or if they have some spare yarn but not time to knit it up and would like to donate the yarn I have some people who would help me to knit it .
13 We used to get help from the Co-ops because they used to give us lists of new members and we used to be able to canvass those .
14 He rushed towards her so violently that Miss Fogerty put out her hands to grasp his shoulders before he should butt her to the ground .
15 Why scrub the front steps when you can steam them clean ?
16 So off he went in high dudgeons as you can imagine you know , red-faced , excited .
17 If you are taking woven shirts , get a loose fit and straight hems so you can wear them outside your trousers .
18 ‘ They were interested in everything they saw and were told , and obviously identified many areas where we can provide them with advice and help , ’ said Hunterston Station Chemist Peter Young who was one of their hosts .
19 Mark an ‘ E ’ to indicate those issues which you think demand equal involvement and use your partner 's initials to indicate areas where you would expect them to have the major input .
20 We need interest rate cuts and we need them now in our pockets where we can feel them .
21 Instead of tripping over their shoes while doing quick changes , each chair had pockets where they could thrust them out of the way .
22 A fire blanket is the best way of smothering chip-pan and frying-pan fires , and has loops so you can lower it over the pan without burning your hands .
23 The families ' lawyer , Ann Alexander , called on Mrs Bottomley to meet a delegation of parents so they could tell her ‘ why the decision not to have a full public inquiry is wrong ’ .
24 What you do is to fix a line of battens across the wall ( or right round the room ) just above skirting board level , securing them with partly-driven masonry nails so you can remove them later when the adhesive has set .
25 We used to mark her up special on the calendar ; and we took care to make a right good job of her : we took an extra lot of trouble with her shoes so we could keep her away as long as we could .
26 I asked my parents if they would allow me to stay the night , saying that Valeria was alone in the house and I would keep her company .
27 Scott McNealy told Wall Street analysts last week that Sun has more 40MHz Vikings than it knows what to do with and that Texas Instruments Inc ‘ could bury ’ Sun in the chips if it would let it .
28 A skilled Nottingham engineer 's daughter of the 1920s remembers her father ‘ would never go to see his parents unless he could take them some money …
29 She would be with us always , and I would n't have to say a word to her grandchildren because she would say them all .
30 In our society , with the erosion of class barriers as we used to know them job description is an important measure of social standing .
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