Example sentences of "[noun pl] [subord] [pron] [verb] on [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They were certainly too much for a dismal Everton outfit and Chelsea should have had more goals as they eased on to the heels of the leading Premier League pack .
2 Dorothy George , after describing the " roastbeef " of old England , retained her rose-coloured spectacles as she went on to an extraordinarily generous view of the Poor Law .
3 Cars moving over the high track of the flyover began to sweep it with their head-lamps as they travelled on to it and the dusk gathered in patches below .
4 Instead you manipulate the plots of the others to your own ends , playing one off against the others , letting them waste their energies in fruitless rivalries while you look on from a safe distance , waiting patiently for the moment to make your move , the day when I drop dead and you can come home and claim your own .
5 I will give back give back the books that have been signed and I want you in the the section of I just want to point out one or two things before we go on to the next .
6 ‘ Do n't fight me , ’ he said huskily , face flushed and eyes glittering like blue needles as he held on to her easily , his mouth burying in her hair , his heart thudding hard at his strong chest .
7 It can crop areas of marshland and it allows you to kill your neighbours ' rabbits when they come on to your land to feed .
8 ‘ But nothing prepares you for the blinding flash of flares and the noise of the thundercrackers as you run on to the field .
9 Rennie Hamilton came from behind the counter of the village store and picked her way across a floor that was crowded with display stands and boxes , craning to catch a glimpse of the Rover and its occupants as it sped on past the hotel and towards the lake .
10 So let us look a bit more closely at the markets before we go on to the fields .
11 Had they not seen in the evening the clouds in the West with seas and lagoons , and in the night the lights of the canoes as they sail on for ever ?
12 People wo n't be able to afford to have the water services if you carry on in this way .
13 Gone are the days when professionals left the business of fees , commissions , variation charges , reimbursables and the rest to underlings whilst they got on with the interesting work .
14 When Perdita last saw her as Victor 's bimbo in 1981 , Sharon 's hair had been dyed the colour of strawberry jam , her splendid breasts had floated like beachballs out of her skin-tight polyester dress and her six-inch spike heels must have terrorized any lurking moles as she tripped on to the Rutshire pitch at treading-in time .
15 We were determined to finish , we did not hear the doodle-bug noise , or any thuds so we went on till 12.30 .
16 Does anyone have any objections if she carries on till the end of the year ?
17 There have been well documented delays to SuperSparc and Sun has apparently built two crystals into its Mbus motherboards so that customers can upgrade their processor modules with higher clock-rate parts as they trickle on to the market , without having to dicker with clock timing and synchronisation .
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