Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] place [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Local political activity came to be seen as part and parcel of changes taking place within capitalist society as a whole , especially within the capitalist state as it attempts to manage and transform a social and economic system in profound crisis .
2 In their work , the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies tried to combine the view of the young people themselves — gathered through ethnography — with a more global picture of changes taking place in contemporary capitalism .
3 Attention has to be paid to the many changes taking place in general practice : teamwork with delegation to nurses and other members of ‘ the team , ’ more shared care with local specialists , more administration , more new tasks including community care , and more general practitioners wishing to work part time .
4 Kate McDermid looks at changes taking place in Armed Service catering .
5 Indeed , many of the indigenous plants and remedies , such as quinine , which were brought back to Europe by the conquistadores , contributed to the fundamental changes taking place in European medicine at the time .
6 Research summary To investigate , through a case study centered on a major commercial company , the organisational transformations taking place in commercial software development .
7 Apart from a string of excellent new routes there have been a number of alternative activities taking place on southern sandstone .
8 They appealed on several grounds , but particularly that ‘ an agreement by two or more persons to insert advertisements in a magazine for the purpose of homosexual acts taking place between consenting adult males in private did not constitute an offence ’ .
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