Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] [adv] over [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To test this particular application of Procedure Audit , a monitoring process was established in a section of thirty persons , and the administrative assistant briefed to record the number of queries referred back over a period of two months .
2 You 'll what you 'll end up with is different organisations managing houses scattered all over the city .
3 With the enclosure of the open fields and the redistribution of the land mostly in compact blocks instead of strips scattered all over the parish , one would have expected the old open-field village to disintegrate as the village farmers built new farmsteads on their allotments .
4 The warning came after a meeting of Ards Borough Council last week in which Ulster Unionist Ronnie Ferguson put forward a motion that the council should offer free collection of waste to the Orange Order , which has halls dotted all over the borough .
5 The field they were in had British as well as German mines sown all over the place .
6 But even when there were teams of twenty or thirty workmen ‘ tripping over each other ’ , as Laura told a friend , with beds scattered all over the place and no curtains , ‘ it still has a very romantic atmosphere ’ .
7 There were incendiaries scattered all over the airfield for days , being picked up and made safe — another job for the armourers .
8 He produced two large atlases of estate maps ; the Stowe Atlas of thirty-three manuscript maps on vellum , detailing estates owned by the Grenville family around Kilkhampton , and the Lanhydrock Atlas of four large volumes containing 258 manuscript maps on vellum , compiled between 1694 and 1699 , of properties scattered widely over the county belonging to the Robartes family .
9 Amphibians have moist skins and keep them so with slime produced from small glands distributed all over the body .
10 There were bodies scattered all over the road , people lying on the pavement and propped against walls .
11 There were fields on either side with occasional stands of pine trees scattered unpredictably over the landscape .
12 There were bodies strewn all over the road .
13 and erm these were poultry breeders be erm scattered all over the count er county who yes the erm accredited poultry breeding station scheme was erm initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and erm there were a number of farms scattered all over the county erm where they were open to inspection and erm we had erm had a Mrs who went round and inspected the flocks and erm they had to reapply each year to erm sustain their accreditation
14 Her only pleasure in it now was the notes left all over the place by her father : cheery instructions in a classical scholar 's hand , written on the gummed labels used by the more pious English government departments to get a second use out of old envelopes .
15 But if noise is the point at which language buckles and culture fails , then you could argue that noise occurs in moments , tiny breakages and stresses dispersed all over the surface of music , all kinds of music .
16 Water quality in Scottish rivers improved significantly over the period 1985-90 , according to the latest Water Quality Survey .
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