Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] been in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Local youth offices had been in existence in a few cities as early as 1909 in Mainz ( founded by the mayor Georg Schmidt ) and 1910 in Hamburg .
2 In terms of flying hours both units had been in use for about 55 000 hours , during which something like 20 000 flights ( or landings ) had been made .
3 Matthei had been in post since 1978 , but in the late 1980s he had been the first among the military leadership to recognize the strength of the democratic opposition and the inevitability of political change and , as a result , began to distance himself from the military hardliners .
4 Unusually , one of the schools had been in receipt of two Minor awards in successive years .
5 Although railed tramways had been in use in various parts of the country from the middle of the 18th century , generally in connection with coal mines , the first true railway in Scotland was the line from Kilmarnock to Troon .
6 As such , its loss of support was part of the continuing legacy of the Fitzgerald inquiry into corruption within the Queensland government , where the Nationals had been in power for 30 years until defeated in 1989 .
7 Momoh claimed that Burkinabe regular troops had been in action alongside the rebels .
8 In this case the defendant for many years had been in possession of some artificial ornamental lakes formed by damming up a natural stream .
9 On the journalists ' evidence , if the directives had been in force during the previous twelve months the effect on air time would have been minimal .
10 At the end of December 1980 , the returns to the Committee on Jail Reform indicated that almost 7,000 ( 8 per cent ) of the 92,000 undertrials had been in gaol for over one year , and 2,500 of these had been held for more than two years .
11 A Swiss ban on night driving by lorries had been in force since 1933 .
12 All 5 of these patients had been in hospital between August , 1989 , ( the first isolation of P cepacia ) and their acquisition of the epidemic strain , which prompted surveillance for P cepacia contamination in the hospital outpatient environment and analysis of social contacts of patients .
13 His friends had been in control of Punjab until Mr Ishaq 's people pushed them out after the central government was sacked on April 18th , and Manzoor Watoo , an ally of Mr Ishaq 's , installed himself as Punjab 's chief minister .
14 It has been shown that most suicide attempters are aware of the existence of agencies where they could obtain help , such as the general practitioner , social workers , or the Samaritans ( Kreitman and Chowdhury 1973b ) ; in fact , a significant proportion of attempters had been in touch with one or more of these agencies in the weeks preceding the attempt ( Bancroft et al. 1977 ) .
15 Formal approval of detailed proposals , on which negotiations had been in progress for five months , was expected at the end of February .
16 Their children had been in care for eight months .
17 His self-reproaches had been in pickle for a year , and the notion that they might be out-of-date escaped him .
18 During the election campaign the party had asserted that the advanced welfare state was safe in its hands , but this promise quickly appeared to be a less than certain guarantee of the continuation of welfare programmes which in some cases had been in effect since the 1930s .
19 English Estates had been in existence for some years , but its traditional role had been factory building and commercial development on green field sites with 5,000 factories and offices on 508 estates .
20 Goleniewski had been in touch with the CIA since 1958 during which time he had passed on to them a considerable amount of information that had led to the arrest of several important spies .
21 Just over 70 per cent of students had been in receipt of an SERC award whilst on their Advanced Course .
22 As noted in Chapter 3 , 71 per cent of students had been in receipt of SERC finance for their Advanced Course ( Table 3.5 ) .
23 If Pinewood studios had been in need of a resident historian — and the days of historical dramas emanating from that studio seemed themselves to have been consigned to history-Kenneth Williams would have fulfilled that role .
24 The Tories had been in power for twelve years already , and a general election could not be more than a year away .
25 Reports on March 26 , quoting Kurdish sources , said that Kurdish pesh merga guerrillas had been in control of the oil centre of Kirkuk for seven days during which they had sustained intensive shelling and air attacks by Iraqi government forces .
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