Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] give [pron] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During his years at Oxford , he had spent part of his vacations in France , but those relatively short periods had given him no idea of the chaos that had prevailed since his father 's death .
2 He looked at her and understood why her parents had given her the name .
3 The magistrates chairman told foster parents had given him a chance — it was now up to him to take it .
4 She realised that not having spoken to him for ten days had given her a perspective she had not previously had — a perspective on herself as well as him .
5 He looked older , she thought — more mature , as if the events and uncertainties of recent weeks had given him a maturity beyond his years .
6 Two bison , painted 15,000 years ago in a cave known as the Grotte de Mayrieres near Bruniquel , France , were virtually erased when Boy Scouts decided to give them a spring clean under the impression that they were graffiti .
7 The Galapagos islands had given him the clue by showing that small populations derived from the same original species could evolve in different directions when separated by a geographical barrier such as the ocean .
8 Those in the agricultural contracting business who had attended said that ATB courses had given them the confidence and skill to undertake these jobs .
9 She was in fact a magnificent figure of a woman , with no sag or spread ; only , nursing the children had given her a fullness of the breasts which would not lessen , although she turned the little Olivia over to a servant with a feeding-bottle as soon as one could be found .
10 Her conversations with the villagers as they shelled peanuts or sat around the fire , the interest she took in her pupils and their home backgrounds , her journeys out into the villages on teaching practice or corps activities had given her an appreciation of how the Africans thought and felt .
11 Her first impression of the man she knew with a sinking feeling could only be Niall Grant was of strong , sun-tanned features which held her gaze as the blue eyes looked coolly into hers , and for the first time in her life her height , which at five feet eight inches had given her an advantage over a lot of men , suddenly seemed diminished .
12 Griffith had come to the movies quite late in life and he came as a man whose varied experiences and whose accumulated opinions , myths , and prejudices had given him a sense of America and of himself as having a place in it .
13 After leaving school he had been unable to settle , had wandered from place to place and had eventually landed up in Borstal , where his crimes had given him a reputation for toughness and ruthlessness which he had felt compelled to live up to ( although at the same time hating it and himself ) .
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