Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] a [noun] [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 In November 1990 each of the applicants expressed a preference that his daughter should be educated at the school .
2 The upsurge in our activity and in our public demands in the mid-1980s represented a declaration that our tolerance was running out .
3 But lawyers struck a deal before his case was due to start , and Simon returned to Swindon tonight around 600 000 better off .
4 Long ago the Vikings had a village where their ships ' crews rested and sheltered in the inlet of the River Hull .
5 At the Huntingdonshire Forest Eyre of 1255 the foresters and verderers presented a clerk and his page for a trespass against the venison .
6 The four men plucked a couple and their collie dog to safety amid crashing waves at Huntcliff , Saltburn , on January 19 .
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