Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] be [vb pp] from the " in BNC.

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1 Most foreign journalists had been expelled from the area by March 5 .
2 The Tatars had been deported from the Crimea to Central Asia under Stalin .
3 The report claimed that funds had been diverted from the banking system through " massive collusion " between banks and brokers , and that the country 's largest commercial bank , the State Bank of India , had allowed Harshad Mehta , the financier at the centre of the scandal , to use the bank 's securities account " as if it is [ his ] investment account " .
4 On the following day the share price index , which had fallen sharply during the previous year ( largely because funds had been siphoned from the stock exchange into real estate speculation ) , rose by almost 30 points , one of its biggest one-day gains .
5 A letter sent to shareholders by the club 's legal adviser , Gordon Marshall , makes it clear that during the action a number of concessions had been obtained from the Deans family .
6 Then in run number six , taken towards the end of January , the ratio hit 3.5 ; a very dramatic outburst of neutrons had been detected from the cell .
7 Prevented from continuing his studies because his parents had been expelled from the Communist Party after 1968 — one of the most pernicious aspects of Husak 's ‘ normalisation ’ — he worked as a stablehand , bulldozer driver and finally bricklayer .
8 Wires had been ripped from the wall and deliberately attached to metal furniture in the barricades , ’ he said .
9 In Czechoslovakia and Hungary , on the other hand , the communist party had enjoyed a substantial degree of popular support and the Red Army , despite some excesses , was seen by many as the agency by which these countries had been liberated from the Nazis .
10 The rats had been cleared from the lab when the Leutnant returned with a message for Dr Karnstein .
11 as if the office , its panelled walls and rich dark furnishings had been preserved from the rigours of time .
12 Most of the amphibians had been replaced from the land by about 345 million years ago , and from the water by 195 million years ago , and only the frogs , newts and salamanders now survive .
13 The Dark Elves had been driven from the mainland of Ulthuan .
14 On 8 December , for example , the Sunday Times reported that union subscriptions had been deducted from the pay of some 10,000 construction workers in London , but that these subscriptions had never reached their trade union .
15 There were indications that some articles had been taken from the Soviet Union 's constitution but there was little evidence of other constitutions having been consulted except , curiously , for the Meiji constitution in Japan .
16 Eight observers had been withdrawn from the western town of Dembi-Dolo , reportedly due to the threatening behaviour of OLF fighters .
17 The Council became a genuinely learning process , and once the name of the game had been defined as aggiornamento , once ecumenical understanding and co-operation with other Christians had been moved from the presupposition of ‘ dangerous ’ to that of ‘ Christian ’ and ‘ highly desirable ’ , there developed for a while a new logic which could not easily be denied .
18 Some boards had been torn from the side and its black paint of tar had turned pale .
19 How would sectarian bitterness have been eroded if the workers had been excluded from the Labour movement ?
20 Troops had been withdrawn from the west , but not because the likelihood of attack in that quarter had diminished .
21 Once both cylinder banks had been separated from the crankcase , the 12 pistons were drawn from the liners and boiled to free off the rings and gudgeon pins prior to their removal .
22 Some 2,150 replies had been received from the prelates and Catholic institutions consulted .
23 It had rained heavily during the night — a sudden downpour which had filled the gutters and drains which supplied the city 's water catchment system — so that when dawn broke it could be seen that many of the drapes and festoons over archways and down the faces of stands and platforms had been torn from the frames by the weight of the water which had soaked them .
24 The original connections for the panels had been removed from the edge girders in 1951 , and a system of support was introduced for the new panels .
25 The news agency Interfax reported on Sept. 18 that all KGB officers had been withdrawn from the personnel directorate of the Foreign Ministry as a step to withdrawing KGB personnel from the Foreign Ministry 's central apparatus .
26 In the case of Algeria and Israel it strongly advised the EC Commission to delay disbursement of funds until firm guarantees on respect for human rights had been received from the respective governments .
27 Science and technology must surely have progressed in a different way if these principles had been embraced from the start .
28 My cassettes had been removed from the rack separating the front seats during a half-hearted attempt at car valeting , and I had n't replaced them .
29 Goumba , who questioned the government 's commitment to a national conference , also said that items had been deleted from the meeting 's agenda , dealing with the media and an electoral code , while President André Kolingba in his New Year address had spoken of the February conference as a " broad national debate " which " can not be a sovereign national conference " .
30 Two engines and propellers had been removed from the aircraft and all of a sudden the nose lifted and she went down on her tail .
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