Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [adv prt] in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A whole thicket of broom bushes came down in that slip , as you saw .
2 He was sprawled at an unusual angle , arms and legs stuck out in all directions .
3 In the meantime the women 's liberation movement was changing rapidly ; expanding , feminists were becoming active in a whole range of trade union activities , setting up women 's centres , refuges for battered wives , all kinds of research , discussion … the group , although it continued to meet , give or take a member or two , for a further four years , was a friendship , a support group of women who had struggled through to political consciousness together , and whose own political allegiances sparked off in many directions : a gay commune , further teaching , trade union organising , membership of one of the numerous revolutionary left-wing groupings which flourished in the seventies , involved in producing feminist journals .
4 The job description shall be consistent with the contractual duties laid down in this agreement .
5 There he was , in a race on Sports ' Day , his skinny , uncoordinated limbs flung out in all directions , galloping clumsily round the track at least half a lap behind everybody else .
6 More Antony 's personality seemed to change quite a lot in the play , his true , selfish colours came out in this speech .
7 There 's an awful lot of good times locked up in that jade , honey , but you 'll never see one of them .
8 A certain amount of the Stuart expansion had been carried out by chartered companies , and the enemies of James II showed relatively little regard for the rights laid down in these charters .
9 A State exercising a right by a provision of a treaty to which it is not a party is bound to comply with any conditions laid down in that provision , or elsewhere in the treaty for the exercise of the right .
10 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
11 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
12 If you deviate substantially and importantly from the conditions laid down in this letter of engagement , we will be free to terminate the engagement by immediate notice at any time and to engage additional and/or alternative directors to perform some or all of the functions set out here .
13 The village started half-alive about her , lights went on in some windows , then off again as the daylight strengthened .
14 Delegates looked around in all directions to pinpoint the accuser .
15 His putts wandered off in all directions , so he did n't hole a lot .
16 In his study of Atlanta in Georgia , Hunter ( 1953 ) established that the top ten leaders sifted out in this manner all knew each other well , nominated each other to key committees , were often businessmen holding plural and interlocking directorships of companies , and regularly played a role in major city decisions and state politics .
17 The figure shows that the rates of caesarean sections , epidural anaesthesia , and forceps and vacuum extractions went down in some maternity units but increased in most of them .
18 Me and all my friends ended up in this cult and the first thing this guy said we had to do was turn all of our friendships against each other so that we could n't trust anybody .
19 But how often are modules turned down in this way ?
20 Sky TV 's broadcast put the whole incident in the public eye , even though Goulding was formally cited after the Disciplinary Committee watched a tape of the game last Thursday when dealing with two men sent off in that match .
21 Er … yes , perhaps just a few more condom and illicit sex gags turned up in that show than normal . ’
22 The gunmen made off in this VW Polo .
23 The gunmen made off in this VW Polo .
24 A harem owner may have several sets of daughters creamed off in this way .
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