Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [adv prt] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then he lowered her to the ground and shifted over her , and for a second it was like it had been before and fear touched her , but then his lips came down and brushed her mouth , and she was lost .
2 There they would line Hollins Hill as the walkers toiled up and cheer them on their way .
3 As we walked into the cafe , a couple of the local farmers in denim overalls and caps looked up and welcomed us .
4 If Samoa , Mount Silisili and yesterday were indeed somewhere out there , I would have to take their presence on trust : I doubt if the visibility was more than five miles , and less as the squalls rolled in and drenched me in my eyrie .
5 No not you get different statements different erm I would n't like to repeat some of them right , but if them lads sat down and studied it erm same as I 've said now and they say , Well yes aye .
6 sometimes it may be to do with dress , demeanour , mannerisms , you know , kind of again you know people go for oh I do n't know , I mean there 's a conversation er I remember overhearing erm with some friends in Leicester and they , they go to motorbike rallies a lot and erm er they were describing an incident where they pitched their tent at a rally and some blokes came up and pitched their tent next to them and they were erm two blokes had arrived together on the same enormous immaculate motorbike and they 'd got sort of matching leather outfits erm
7 The Athenians came out and fought them at Tanagra ( 457 ) ; the Spartans first won but then Athens retrieved this defeat under Myronides at Oinophyta two months later .
8 One of the men with sticks came over and carried his corpse away .
9 Its talons whipped out and embedded themselves into the boy 's skull , using the emptied eye sockets as a means of entry and Nuadu , narrowing his eyes against the dimness , saw that the talons were in fact hollow tubes , thin transparent bones .
10 Nails laid back and made himself comfortable .
11 Matt was peeing in the river when one of the sparks came up and told him it was n't a good idea .
12 Phrases leapt up and hit him with a force which was almost physical .
13 The veneered desk where they sat was suddenly drenched in light as the languid television crews jumped up and took their positions , communicating with each other by harsh whispers or frantic sign language .
14 He placed a small amount of the substance in his hand and one by one the worshippers knelt down and licked it like hungry animals .
15 Presently a man with greying hair and specs came in and said he was the doctor who was going to remove the polyps .
16 British and Empire troops dug in and organized their defences so rapidly that all German counter-attacks the following day were thrown back and even more ground gained .
17 I mean , it 's hard to think of an equivalent , but say you were an inhabitant of Hastings in the year 2066 and you went down to the beach one day and these longships were coming towards you and lots of people in chainmail and pointy helmets got out and said they 'd come for the Battle of Hastings and would you rustle up King Harold so they could shoot him in the eye and here was a huge wallet full of money for you to play your part .
18 When part of the roof collapsed and flames rose half as high again as the manor house , the firefighters drew back and restricted their efforts to keeping the outbuildings of the farm damped down .
19 The bony fingers reached out and grasped her petticoats .
20 The Austrians , by weight of numbers , won the day ; the Russians fell back and held their foe only some 18km/ 11mls from Lublin .
21 Some crafty young entrepreneurs steamed in and relieved her of several pairs of Pumas at a knockdown price .
22 The three friends sat down and enjoyed their favourite pastime — eyeing up the women in the theatre-bar .
23 At one point one of the lawyers jumped up and shook his fist at me and said , ‘ You shook hands with Mr Zanuck on this agreement .
24 At half past one the men got up and checked their equipment , gathering several sticks as well .
25 But friends and well wishers rallied round and calling themselves Ashleys army , raised enough cash to buy him his own gymnasium .
26 He opened them , and his eyelids moved back and hit him on the brain .
27 Joe saw an opportunity to get the couple to visit a branch to pick up a ‘ replacement ’ card but when they arrived the police moved in and detained them .
28 She tried to draw back , but his hands came up and gripped her , refusing to let her go .
29 To his surprise , two men came over and joined him .
30 Later in the afternoon the sheriff 's men came back and dragged me up before the justices .
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