Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [adv] [conj] she [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her face taut with anger , Gina 's fingers trembled uncontrollably as she fumbled with the unfamiliar fastening of the seatbelt .
2 Candy 's blue eyes narrowed suspiciously as she prowled round Rory like a tiny bird of prey inspecting its dinner .
3 Her eyes widened involuntarily as she felt the virile power of him against her , but his expression remained unchanged .
4 Her shoulders shook convulsively and she rolled to her side on the bed , curling up .
5 Despite that , Dane 's eyes glinted appreciatively when she joined him in the hotel foyer , and to her annoyance she felt a pleasant little warm glow deep inside .
6 Doreen 's dark eyes glittered slightly as she watched the older man 's tall figure cross the room .
7 Her eyes glittered strangely as she gazed up at him .
8 Christine 's eyes glittered angrily as she looked up .
9 Her curls bounced enchantingly as she clung to her father 's arm , dimpling at Auguste .
10 Her cheeks burned again as she remembered the kiss and her utter submission to it .
11 His nostrils flared dangerously but she stood her ground .
12 Their fingers touched briefly as she took it from him , and Lucy almost snatched her hand away .
13 The muscles rippled lightly as she worked .
14 Her bruises stung badly as she anointed herself with gel , but the discomfort was a small price to pay for feeling clean again .
15 The vegetables took longer than she had expected , but by the time the table had been set they felt reasonably cooked .
16 But more astute moves made even before she had established herself as a world star had guaranteed that she collected an above average share of the money her records were making .
17 Certainly she had not expected Felipe , and her tears stopped suddenly as she absorbed this new shock .
18 Her brows puckered thoughtfully as she ran through the scene in her mind again ; maybe she had over-reacted .
19 Three years ago , the Sunderland-born reporter escaped death when bullets whistled past as she broadcast during the Tiananmen Square massacre in Beijing .
20 Her suddenly cold hands clenched tightly as she walked on , past the stile and the beech tree , into the green cool of the wood .
21 Ashi cursed silently as she crossed the Pavement to the bumper-to-bumper row of parked residents ' vehicles .
22 The first of the sirens sounded distantly and she ran to the kitchen , gathering up her belongings with hands that shook .
23 The men stood aside and she walked in between them … almost stumbled in between them ; and then she was in a large room in the middle of which was a long table covered in oilcloth .
24 Two men stood there and she recognised at once that they were CID .
25 She had lean flanks and no tummy , and I could see from the way her breasts moved slightly when she walked that she wore nothing underneath her blouse ; I also had the feeling that she knew instantly that I knew .
26 No clue , that was , other than what her heart told her , and as Tom entered the room once more , his eyes coming straight to meet her own , her spirits lifted again and she felt a mysterious sense of rightness about it all .
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