Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I come from a fanatically rugby-conscious Welsh miner 's family ; five of my six brothers played it with some distinction .
2 Nationalist protestors from Kurdzhali arrived in Sofia ( the capital ) on Jan. 3 to petition the National Assembly , their numbers swelling on the following day to around 10,000 as supporters joined them from several parts of the country .
3 At Stackpoole Junction the two railwaymen put her on another train and sent her home .
4 Forest fans gave it to that slag Clough and in the long run they got a bitter reward .
5 His rounds took him to most parts of the building and Rain was eagerly accepting that it must have been Stan on the second floor making her jumpy when he mentioned that since the murder he did not go into MacQuillan 's room or those next to it because the police were usually there .
6 Impatience with her own see-saw emotions robbed her of any desire for sleep .
7 But his finest years found him in some competition with another actor who , like Brando , refused to conform .
8 The sheer weight of goodwill fax messages told them of this fact .
9 When international marketing first appeared as a distinct subject few writers described it by any title other than that .
10 Old tombstones provided her with that lit match to the powder trail of her imagination .
11 Seven editors rejected it despite several reviewers indicating that it was well written .
12 Trees surrounded it on all sides .
13 In the May issue of Latch On her article on knots reminded me of another tip — when using a length of yarn for a contrast marker ( on tension swatches or to mark the position for the sleeves , for example ) , make a small slip knot in the end of the yarn and place this on the needle .
14 The Sunday Times summarized it in these terms : ‘ Iraqi whirlwind campaign ends in war of desert trenches . ’
15 The corner that Japan had been backed into by economic sanctions left her with little alternative .
16 And the third was as a confessor , because he knew that many souls valued him in this work .
17 ‘ Around 80 Subject Assessors visited us during that fortnight , and every module was looked at .
18 police took him in that night cos they thought he 'd burnt it out himself .
19 On my final day at Berkeley , my fourth-form pupils presented me with some flowers and a small mounted copy of Claude Lorrain 's ‘ Hagar and the Angel ’ .
20 Our hosts regaled us with much history about Prince Georgivhili and other obscure rulers of the Middle Ages .
21 Subsequent parliamentary enquiries into improper electoral practices involved him in some censure and this enabled Disraeli , who never liked him , to make fresh arrangements for the management of the party in opposition .
22 Ariel was n't thinking clearly , her brain was fogged by the din around her and the rage of Sycorax , but the message in the stones summoned her to some action , something to break the silence and the stasis that held her prisoner .
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