Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] on a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The proposed regions , which would each have an elected regional council , were based on the pre-1987 provinces and on a 1984 language survey .
2 One of the problems is that the Government 's momentum to privatise was determined for ideological reasons and on a tight time scale .
3 The study is based upon both statistical sources and on a detailed questionnaire , concerned with materials handling activities , this being distributed to a cross section of South Wales Companies .
4 Erm the County Council 's calculations identify the industrial B one land requirements to be on an economic activity base requirement , a hundred and two hectares and on a land-take basis a hundred and thirteen hectares , yet they 're allocating a hundred and forty five hectares in the structure plan .
5 I have also been interviewed on trains and on a cross-channel ferry about my travel habits .
6 It was to be revolution not on the rates but on a private income .
7 Care is needed in such an interpretation , however ; abandoned sites can later be used by squatters or on a casual basis by travellers , so that the picture is distorted .
8 All this work has been undertaken with enthusiasm by teachers and on a voluntary basis , in a period of severe industrial action when teacher morale and goodwill were at unprecedentedly low levels .
9 For example , subjects are often required to decide whether two stimuli are the same or different and then to respond on one key for " same " matches and on a second key for " different " matches ; or else to respond to instances of one kind of match and withhold responding to instances of the other kind ( a go/no.go discrimination ) .
10 Elite theorists have tended to concentrate not on the material interests but on a common ideology , whether broadly or narrowly defined .
11 Get one of them out here in plain clothes and on a civilian motor-bike — better still a moped , it looks more innocent .
12 ‘ On-site staff discuss the catering service at daily briefings and on a monthly basis carry out a more formal team briefing .
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