Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] that they [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Couns Williams and Dixon confirmed that their view of Mr Major 's achievements and thoughts for the future differed from his , that they would not be sending donations and that they thought it was a complete cock-up .
2 ‘ It was the first time that he realized there were officers and that they treat you badly because you 're not like them .
3 If we look at it another way , we can suggest that many physics students feel that they must accept what they are told by their departments and that they find it difficult to challenge what they are told .
4 ‘ That is so , Mr Chairman , but I gather that there is a very strong bond among these people between brothers-in-law and that they regard them as we do blood brothers .
5 The point about studies on non-human animals is not that they replace studies on humans but that they provide us with pointers to what we should study in people and how we should study it .
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