Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] it is [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Milan is full of excellent coffee shops and it is better for the visitor to choose what appears to be best for him , her or them .
2 There is no preference in the law between an adult or a child in the use of the available seat belts but it is safer for the adult to be restrained .
3 ‘ It is good for the passengers to have a choice of airlines and it is good for the airlines themselves to have to respond and innovate .
4 Trade unions run extensive negotiating sessions for their full time officials and it is sensible for managers to gain a familiarity with the subject .
5 Because they are obviously scared of needles and it is hard for their parents , having to inject them .
6 It is difficult to understand the politics within some controlling bodies without knowing all the details and it is difficult for me to comment .
7 They know that their children are stronger than them in many ways and it is hard for them to come to terms with that and still keep their dignity and self-respect .
8 Clearly this is no place for novices but it is possible for them , if armed with a torch and wearing boots and clothes that do n't matter , to go into one hole and emerge from the other , the two entrance passages converging after fifteen yards of stumbling progress .
9 Darlington council will no longer have to chase individual community charge payers but it is responsible for establishing who , at each address in the town , is liable to pay the Council Tax .
10 It 's not vital for batsmen to play in championship matches before Tests but it is different for bowlers who have to prove themselves . ’
11 With very few exceptions , judges are required to be selected from amongst practising barristers and it is difficult for anyone without a private income to survive the first years of practice .
12 ‘ Spinnerette manufacturers keep their cards very close to their chests and it is unusual for two companies in the field to be in a position to reach a collaboration agreement . ’
13 All MPhil and PhD students normally have two supervisors and it is common for one of these to come from outside the department .
14 This may , in fact , already be the position as far as executive directors are concerned , in that they are employees and it is usual for the court to imply a term in employment contracts to the effect that employees will carry out their duties with reasonable care and skill .
15 The authority is not bound to accept his recommendations but it is rare for many , or any of substance , to be overruled .
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