Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] it [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 er as suggested in the title it 's common to all countries and it therefore has a common denominator which is the European currency unit .
2 This is not only quicker than casting stitches off in small groups but it also gives a neat edge without the stepped edge that usually occurs .
3 to cast off in small groups but it also gives a neat edge without the stepped edge that usually occurs .
4 As Shalev ( 1981 ) points out , comparative analysis not only raises substantively interesting and important questions but it also offers a natural and fruitful avenue for the advance of the discipline as a whole .
5 Dave Simpson 's crushingly honest expos of the bust , buttock and bathing costume business may not answer all the questions but it certainly poses a few important ones .
6 It 's very , very hard to fault this guitar ; it looks superb , it 's made to the highest possible standards and it also works a treat , combining near-total fingerboard access with a bright , responsive , almost classical sound .
7 ‘ The customer had a requirement for a stock of components but it also had a lot of outdated engines . ’
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