Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] they do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They probably would n't serve me anyway ; little rich girl on the hill , her friends ‘ dabble ’ in the arts and they do n't take smack and neither does she , really , except on weekends .
2 Yeah and I was watching it on This Morning and what it is it 's because most things you 've got in your kitchen like myself are all tested on animals and they do n't label it
3 I think you just assume that if you give somebody painkillers and they do n't work , oh that 's it !
4 They were full of words and they did n't have any pictures .
5 Now I suppose this is just appealing to my sense of power or something , being able to walk in and take charge and in a minute or two they 've settled down and they 're not panicking because you 've arrived and all their burdens are on your shoulders and they do n't have to worry any more because the doctor 's there … this I find profoundly satisfying as long as I can , in fact , cope with what 's happening .
6 Yes I know , you can get somebody else to do that , be there for months and they do n't turn up at once , that was erm , I did n't realize they had to turn up at once , so I was letting them throw whenever they wanted
7 Well I did , I did wonder , especially with erm you know , waiting lists and they do n't get in that quickly .
8 Record companies are rock record companies and they do n't understand that sort of culture .
9 ‘ I sat in on the Jockey Club working party that drew up these latest proposals Their idea was to bring down the number of strokes and they did not seem very interested in what we , the jockeys , had to say .
10 You try to be a white person or you go to them and try to be accepted and you go back to blacks and they do n't like it .
11 Coxes have a sizable effect on their crews but they do n't dictate whether they win or lose .
12 So long as they have neighbours within 12″ the Snotlings are not affected by the psychology rules and they do not need to take break tests when they are beaten in hand-to-hand combat .
13 erm he did n't think they had any bilingual signs and they did n't have they were n't using their Portakabins so they scrapped them all last year sold them off .
14 ‘ When people are faced with lots of troubles and they do n't know what to do , there 's always someone ready to say anything , just to get some power , ’ said Grimma .
15 Crosby in 1981 was a classic example : the voters lost a man they had known for thirty years and they did n't know who to vote for instead .
16 Voice Of The Beehive are tonight 's special guests but they do n't turn up ‘ til nine so fillers The Janasen and Genius Feak go onstage and get lost in the chaos .
17 Thus , not only are there ambiguities in practice in terms of the organisational design of public sector organisations but they do not tell us very much about the power and status that attach to particular departments .
18 FALLING interest rates may be good news for home buyers but they do n't do savers any favours .
19 The side is full of skilful individuals but they do not seem to be able to function as a side .
20 The ministers claim we have to take a different approach from the Poles or Hungarians but they do not say in what way different .
21 Not only did they lack skills but they did not adapt readily from the rhythm of agricultural life with its long periods of inactivity and frequent holidays , to the demands of modern industry .
22 I thought I had sent him some that were very good , but I received a most snarky letter from him saying " They may be very fine artists but they do n't know anything about teaching , and I 'm not interested in any of your geniuses unless they really take trouble about the job in hand " .
23 Neil , from Sutton , who had joined the school during the first week of the project ( after causing severe behavioural problems at his previous schools ) commented : ‘ You 've got ta have good questions or they do n't say enough . ’
24 People get set into certain ways of doing things and they do n't evaluate whether its working or not .
25 I try and believe in important things and they do n't last for five minutes .
26 Well actually I always think , Win always say that the W I runs itself because everyone gets on with things and they do n't need to be told and , and when it actually comes to it no nobody wants to become president or officer . .
27 They get fifteen thousand pounds and they do n't make anything from it .
28 For this reason they are not so popular with knitters who have standard gauge machines and they do n't seem to have caught on for chunky machines , possibly because they are too thick for the former and not thick enough for the latter .
29 Under Augustus or Tiberius Strabo still stated , as an evident fact , that in the study of little-known countries " the Roman writers are imitators of the Greeks and they do not carry their imitation very far , for what they relate they merely translate from the Greeks " ( 3.4.19 ) .
30 Wor Kev may have many powers but they do not include turning back clocks .
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