Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] they be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 've lots of ideas for these , but as they are all quick to make I 've left them for next month when you have finished your special presents and they are neatly folded and packed away in all their glory of tissue paper and gold and silver ribbons .
2 Yes , but I mean erm excuse me erm there are a lot of people who have been saying for a long time , the council are dragging their heels and they 're not doing anything .
3 ‘ They 've got some pretty potent combinations in some areas and they 're definitely going to improve , ’ he said .
4 Doctors were encouraged through financial incentives to practise in designated areas and they were normally refused permission to start practices in restricted areas .
5 They were forbidden to go into certain areas and they were n't allowed to have passports .
6 The decisions of regional brewers such as Boddingtons and Greenalls to cease brewing were commercial ones taken by the managements of those companies and they were not forced on them by any of the Government 's measures .
7 By section 14(2) , vessels were deemed to be British-owned if the legal title in them was vested wholly in qualified persons or companies and they were beneficially owned wholly or mainly by qualified persons or companies .
8 They were scaly creatures , walking on two feet and they were out to conquer the Earth and every living creature on it .
9 After a few weeks most boys bought their own pens and they were usually carried down the top of the right sock .
10 ‘ You 've collected a few broken bones and they 're newly set .
11 I simply wan na say two things and that is this that within a month if this scheme is to work I believe that the council or the social services committee must draw up a long list of homes which it proposes to close and that long list will be in teams and that must be done not behind closed doors so that people know what is being proposed , we level with people who live in those institutions and they are fully acquainted with our , with our intentions and secondly I think it 's necessary to understand from this programme that it is not just refurbishment programme , it is a refurbishment and closure programme the simple equation being that the money that comes from closures from capital receipts and some revenue savings , actually goes into the rest to refurbish them .
12 The company is not required by law or accountants and auditors to provide management accounts and they are only prepared at the discretion of the company .
13 ‘ I was getting so sick of trying to form groups and they were n't working .
14 I do not want to make too much of them , but there are bogus applications and they are completely clogging up the system .
15 Mr Lavery , of Clare Avenue , Darlington , was given the 1937 black boots as part of a uniform during his army days and they 're still going strong .
16 Police believe the body may have been in the field for several weeks and they 're still investigating the cause of death .
17 And I , si there was a concentration camp for the Italians and they were really smashing to us !
18 They were different from other young workers and they were not allowed to forget it .
19 they train in in Wrexham , in the midwifery she says they have n't trained any for two years and they 're not training any next year either !
20 Women on the continent have been using them for years and they 're gradually becoming available in this country .
21 Not many redwoods , or sequoias , exceeded 3000 years but they were generally considered the oldest living matter until the development of the Swedish increment borer enabled dendrologists ( people who study the natural history of trees ) to age a tree without felling it .
22 Formerly unliquidated damages in tort were not provable debts but they are now covered by the wide nature of r 12.3 .
23 When the woman put her hand up to protect herself the man grabbed two rings off her fingers but they were later recovered in the car .
24 But Forest manager Clough , already upset with his team 's disappointing start , yesterday declared : ‘ Both players have been to see me about new contracts but they 're not getting them .
25 In the 1980s payments of this kind , and for related royalties and patents , have come to equal about 40 per cent of the income in dividends which accrues to foreign investors and they are usually given priority in payment over dividends .
26 The Conservative Party itself has tended to lend its weight to the prevailing set-up ( perhaps because it can win within it ) , but the constitutional authorities are , by definition , Establishment figures and they are often identified with Toryism .
27 And , ’ he warned , ‘ if you hide things and they are subsequently discovered , you lose credibility . ’
28 As in stone-built barns , slits were widely used in brick structures and they were generally arranged in rows .
29 They believe the Western world is always interfering with their natural resources and they are now telling us how to manage ours " .
30 Though the Workshops Regulation Act of 1867 forbade the employment of children under eight in any handicraft and stated that those aged between eight and thirteen must attend school for at least ten hours a week , it was difficult to enforce these provisions and they were widely evaded .
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