Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] who [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For the many professional librarians who were employed by the banning authorities and who disagreed with the ban , the direction contained in Section 2f was virtually impossible to follow .
2 He miscalculated badly , forgetting the Tsar 's pride , which made him unyielding in his claim to be protector of the Greek Christians , and the reaction of the Sultan , who was weary of being pressured by the Powers and who feared for the security of his Empire .
3 Executive power is vested in the President ( currently Daniel Ortega Saavedra ) , who is the head of state and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence and Security Forces and who governs with the assistance of a Vice-President and an appointed Cabinet .
4 The problems noted above are intensified for the management of stock revision programmes ; these are carried out by staff who are either subject specialists or who have in the course of the stock revision acquired a good deal of knowledge about the subject literature — certainly more than the line manager .
5 If , with the help of all the civil servants who advise Ministers and who sit under the Gallery and elsewhere , one worked on a policy to create crime , one could not come up with anything better than what the Government have created in the past 12 years .
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