Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] i [verb] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You , erm , I use buses and cars and I use a bike as well , er , er I think that , we used to have a car and I stopped using it , I used it , we had it when the kids were small and I found it really good for getting them around and it really was necessary to young mothers but their big now and I do n't have to chauffeur .
2 when I was sixteen because it 's then I started to get these free passes and I had a sister then who lived at Rye and I had never been across London so the next door neighbour came with me to see me across London er because I was so young you see and I said right as long as you show me across London I can come back alone , you see , and so I came back alone and I , that 's when I started , so from sixteen and er and as I say I went to Cambridge in the nineteen thirty one , it was the last day of well say nineteen thirty two , you see , and , and also in the twenties I was going on holiday alone and I went to once er to the Isle of Man and when I was er I , I sat next , well being by myself , you see , they put me in , to a little table near the wall .
3 They manage to get food sent through to the controlled zones and I saw a van come back laden with fruit which the compañeros had sent them in return .
4 I sent away and passed the exams and I became a policeman , but I always wanted to become a policeman when I , from about eighteen or nineteen it 's just that I drifted the wrong way .
5 ‘ I go to a lot of fellowship meetings and I see a counsellor once a week which gives me the tools to handle life on a day-to-day basis . ’
6 a couple of times , you know , people were up my arse a couple of times and I retaliated a couple of times
7 ‘ We took machines apart several times and I learned a lot about the controls and the electrical cabinet .
8 The spirit of the age is , ‘ I have needs and I have a right to have my needs met ’ .
9 And er I feel I 've been wearing one for about twenty five years and I feel a lot better , I feel I feel as if I look good in a wig .
10 I could not understand her ideas but I had a feeling she might be right .
11 Those pleasant names of places but I leave a sigh behind
12 I 've got four CSEs and I spent a year on day release , learning about making wreaths and business management .
13 and you 'll you know it does it itself you just , you , with the computer you just say well I had four pounds and I spent a pound on that and two pound on this thirty pence on that and it goes pow does it by magic .
14 They do not need to go erm and th th they they have their own positions and I think a lot of what they speak is of genuine concern .
15 It is now getting dark as we settle for the night in the German slit trenches and I share a trench with three French Commandos .
16 Not often the same policeman , and I gained that experience when I found the way that they were examining property , the way they attended to accidents and street disturbances and they were pretty tough customers and I learnt a lot .
17 Lori and I have a relationship based on mutual distrust .
18 I looked at Jean-Claude as he gave me these instructions and I saw a side of him I did not recognize .
19 FOR YEARS , SOME FRIENDS AND I HAD A HABIT OF HIRING A COTTAGE somewhere deep in the Highlands at New Year .
20 A number of my hon. Friends and I introduced a Bill earlier this year to oblige all schools to publish their public examination results in common form .
21 I 've met new friends and I feel a lot more confident and physically active . ’
22 I have made lifelong friends and I have a lot more sympathy for social services now , ’ she says .
23 ‘ They are entertaining and patient creatures and I get a lot of pleasure from them .
24 Thank you Chairman erm I do n't I need to say a great deal because the comments that have been made I think are very thoroughly and expertly covered most of the ground in terms of the the issues that are being raised and can I say that although er a number of Chief Officers , a number of departments and I suspect a number of committees will be looking at what has happened and er seeking in both to find out why it has happened and what might be done in the future erm I certainly recognize that it 's er a role responsibility of this committee and of er me and the Planning Department to consider the implications for strategic planning and for the related functions and that erm it wo n't be a , a , a happy task because er purely it 's something that all of us would have hoped had n't happened at all but I will er very er thoroughly er explore the issues and report it back .
25 As for talks , the party leaders and I issued a statement earlier this week .
26 Balfour came to stay at Petworth between the wars and I read a letter to him from another guest saying that she was sure that what they would both remember most about the visit was the intense cold of the house .
27 which was one of the good stores and I wanted a bolster case
28 ‘ I then heard a series of shots and I saw a number of bodies being dragged away . ’
29 Most people in bands have quite similar backgrounds and I reckon a lot of them shared the same experience as I did .
30 I have just placed a report before the Region 's Finance Committee updating them on Council Tax issues and I enclose a copy of this report herewith for your information .
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