Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [prep] [det] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The common property , if it is more than mere cash in hand or at the bank , will be vested in trustees who must deal with it in accordance with the rules or with any trust expressly declared , and it can be made liable for obligations incurred by , or on behalf of , the society .
2 The thorax is composed of three segments , the pro- , meso- and metathorax. in almost all insects each segment bears a pair of legs and in most adults both the meso- and metathorax carry a pair of wings .
3 Of course , these conditions do exist in some schools and in some classrooms already .
4 Well , I 'm very uneasy about the er , principle that some people are discussing of taking sides er , er , in the internal affairs of er other countries and in this case there the Soviet Union .
5 Examinations need to be carried out only at infrequent intervals and in most cases only those aspects of the product or container that are known to be those most likely to undergo change need be examined .
6 So back they switch , to shorter repayment periods — which mean not merely higher monthly instalments but in this case very much higher APRs as well .
7 The change occurred because of internal political reasons and for that reason alone and not out of the interests of clients .
8 Whatever the social and political structure of Greece in the Bronze Age and its aftermath , in the Geometric and Orientalising periods we see the pattern emerging which persists in archaic and classical times and in some degree even after Alexander : small , independent city-states , often at war with each other but united by language , legend and religion .
9 That was the case throughout my pre-war playing days and for many years afterwards .
10 At a later date I went to evening classes and with this suit still on my mind asked the instructor 's advice .
11 That 's right , Jimi Hendrix — all the rest have Signature series guitars but for some reason probably the greatest has n't .
12 What has proved to be a thorny problem , not just during the past four years but for many years before , is the basis for financing all the services provided by local authorities and the level of services that should be provided .
13 That is why we shall insist on the toughest possible standards in the Community directive on the transport of animals , so that animals are moved across frontiers or within any country as safely and humanely as possible .
14 Elia Kazan , director of Arthur Miller 's stage plays and of many films as memorable as On The Waterfront , calculated more shrewdly .
15 Matches between these two sides are traditionally ‘ needle ’ affairs and in this respect today 's game did n't disappoint , especially in the first half .
16 and my Lord you 'll of noticed that in paragraph erm er thirty er they talk about the importance of taking the community interest into account and have proper guarantees and in this instance overleaf on page five , forty four , er they talk about the financial risk to the community , this of course was in the agricultural
17 The headhunting phenomenon of moving teams gained itself a bad name , and it is clear that such a practice is still scorned by many of the most reputable executive search firms and by many companies too , although it is accepted that it happened comparatively rarely .
18 R.3 provides that a recognised body must be managed and controlled by solicitors or other recognised bodies or by such persons together with one or more RFLs .
19 A recognised body shall at all times be managed and controlled by solicitors or recognised bodies or by such persons together with one or more registered foreign lawyers ; provided that there shall be no breach of this Rule where the secretary of a recognised body is not a solicitor , a registered foreign lawyer or a recognised body .
20 Understanding your potential employer 's motives may help you maintain your sense of humour throughout what can be a rather trying experience , not least because you are having to cooperate with your rivals and in some cases even help them out .
21 The Japanese learned that their Far Eastern neighbours were better at making portable radios and black and white televisions and for some years now have passed over production of these items when only 10 years ago they were world leaders .
22 Both retained large peasant populations and in this century both tried to resolve their economic and social failures by resort to fascism .
23 A key concern that runs through all these debates and to some extent actually inspired them in the first place is whether one can draw clear boundaries between the social classes .
24 Secondly , DMAE and DEAE replace choline in cell membranes and in this manner gradually alter the metabolism of acetylcholine in the brain .
25 However , similar effects are also observable across morpheme boundaries and to some extent also within the morpheme .
26 Norman Porter , the general secretary of the National Union of Protestants and at that time still a close colleague of Ian Paisley , had been asked by a number of conservative clergymen to stand against the Minister for Education in order to protest against amendments to the Education Act which increased and regularized state funding of Catholic schools .
27 However those who survive the first year perform at least as well as traditional students and in some cases slightly better .
28 Children have rights to health , education , to be free from physical and sexual abuse , to have a voice in the decisions which affect them and to grow up as responsible and active citizens but in many countries today many children stoo still do not enjoy these rights .
29 A cut in the skin does potentially allow the entry of pathogens and for this reason even minor cuts and grazes should be attended to properly and observed for signs of infection .
30 The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism showed Eliot again considering poetry 's primitive roots and to some extent consciously reorienting himself towards romanticism .
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