Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [vb base] [pron] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Many victims , perhaps still recovering from their injuries , face silent menace from defendants and their supporters or find themselves blamed for their plight , even in the hospital emergency department .
2 And Joe 's mum give me mostly pound coins and get it changed for a ten pound note .
3 For example , some historians have argued that Methodism and other non-conformist sects were deliberately encouraged by employers in the nineteenth century in order to placate the workers and persuade them to look for salvation in the next world rather than in this .
4 Originally intending to go on stage , drop ten poems and have them recorded for vinyl , Galliano have enlisted the help of former Style Council keyboardist Mick Talbot to come up with a calling card that bodes well for the future .
5 Put in the monkfish slices and let them poach for 3–4 minutes , until cooked through .
6 For the record — ’ he released the leg and Queenie straightened up in relief ‘ — I could call the police and have you arrested for wasting NHS resources on a hoax , but I tell you what , I 'll settle for a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Research Trust . ’
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