Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [vb past] [pers pn] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He had already been involved in taking prisoners to the mountains and told me that he would now have to think of a way to get Eric there too .
2 I left out any reference to brutality in our lives and assured them that I was well and healthy , which I was .
3 He had held her in his arms and told her that he loved her , and she had never doubted him .
4 This was not to last long however , for later in 1796 he wrote to all his friends and told them that he was going to live in London .
5 He was aware that Ballater was looking at his hands and assured him that he could wield a spade perfectly well .
6 She thought of the time George Galloway had come to her home while her husband was off work with badly bruised ribs and told them that he was giving William a week 's notice .
7 After the first clash , when the crowd was halted in front of the police cordon , some of the women had argued with the police and told them that they too were victims of the ‘ system ’ .
8 One of the ARA stewards then approached these young men and told them that they would not be allowed on the march if they carried Anti-Nazi League placards .
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