Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [adj] [conj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We can at least begin to understand the human life and affection and anger and doubts and suffering and death of God in a way that we could not possibly begin to understand what it means for him to be God .
2 Thus the main regulations of 1981 ( as amended ) provide that the authority must make available information on all its schools and the authority 's policies on such matters as examination entries , special educational needs and charging and remission on charges .
3 The epidemiology is primarily associated with the two main sources of infection , transmammary in suckled pups and percutaneous or oral from the environment .
4 I assumed that since the author was not black , the appearance of Africanist characters or narrative or idiom in a work could never be about anything other than the ‘ normal ’ , unracialised , illusory white world that provided the fictional backdrop .
5 In addition they held approximately £5.1 billion from all capital receipts and set-aside as provision for debt repayment under the new capital finance system .
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