Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [adj] [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Treated by theology as one of the deadly sins and recognised and discussed without inhibition by philosophers , poets , psychologists and other observers of the human scene until the present century , it has all but disappeared from view in our own time and reference to its existence , let alone study of its function , has been sedulously avoided .
2 For this , you don a neoprene suit , boots , flippers and life-jacket and take to the water in a specially adapted inflated lorry inner tube .
3 We were at great pains to explain that we were novices and aware that diving in Barbados was unlike diving in the UK and were told that ‘ courses taken on holiday mean nothing at all ’ and that we should be prepared to snorkel around a pool for six months should he deem it necessary , and that even if we did dive to any standard we would be taken on a dive ( presumably in a pool ) , and ‘ ripped down ’ until we eventually failed a test .
4 She told the audience how she had seen a new state-of-the-art ambulance which was only for use by private patients but staffed and paid for by the NHS .
5 In place of an external adviser drawn from the careers service , the primary school draws on the build-up of a pupil 's capacities and potential as assessed by teachers in the traditional way and by the national system of assessment at two stages .
6 Working on this delusion , they then feel either excited and act like silly children or confused and act like silly children .
7 The highly sensitive post of Interior Minister was given to Police Gen. Pow Sarasin , a General in the Police and well-known and respected for his role in the fight against drug trafficking .
8 One of the most influential union documents was the TUC report produced after consultation with constituent unions and accepted and published by the Trades Union Congress in September 1979 .
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