Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [be] [vb pp] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
2 The stimuli which the cell receives from the matrix can then initiate changes in gene expression with temporally related changes in cell structure which result directly from the same signals or are determined by concomitant but separate cell-matrix interaction .
3 Rather than having to push onwards all the time there is ample opportunity to absorb the history and geography , spend nights with the River Rats , Scotts Tennessee Artillery Company B of the Confederate Army and the jousting tents of ordinary American campers , be brushed by the cultures of Mark Twain , Elvis Presley , jazz , country and Cajun music , the Mormons and many more , to feed alligators from a boat , meet Delta pirogues and be blasted by phenomenal thunderstorms .
4 But they were left ruing missed opportunities and were frustrated by fine goalkeeping from Mark Taylor .
5 The improvement may only be apparent ( or pseudo ) if , in addition , the increase in real output per capita is accompanied by negative externalities or is caused by increased production of goods and services which are not for current consumption .
6 It hardly seems necessary to talk about such things as nuclear winters and being fried by ultra-violet radiation .
7 The double saloon doors had very rounded outer corners and were surmounted by large lintel boards with ventilation slits .
8 Bills of exchange ( or trade bills or commercial bills ) are similar to Treasury bills but are issued by private companies against the sale of goods .
9 Ally McCoist headed Rangers ' crucial second goal after 59 minutes and was met by stunned silence from 25,118 home fans .
10 Several pairs of quasars have been detected which have virtually identical red shifts and are separated by small angular intervals : these pairs are now interpreted as twin images of a single quasar .
11 The final zone of seismic activity is confined to relatively small areas within the continents and is characterized by shallow earthquakes which are not associated with marked volcanic activity .
12 Pupils can become fascinated by mathematical contradictions and absurdities and are motivated by mathematical activity itself .
13 Then the ‘ Empire ’ roller bearings evidently did not live up to expectations and were replaced by plain axle boxes .
14 The house has magnificent interior decorations and is surrounded by Italian style gardens including a lake , a flourishing orangery , classical statues and neoclassical temples .
15 This means that the activities of material science ( conductivity physics or dialectical materialism ) are social actions and are manifested by social relations in so far as they produce knowledge .
16 First of all , it is assumed that in any mode of production where surplus value is not returned to the producers but is taken by other members of society , some justification of this distribution of wealth is required .
17 He slept in tombs and caves and was attacked by wild dogs and brigands ; inside an unventilated tent he worked in desert temperatures with collodion chemicals that boiled on the glass-plate negatives .
18 A The first kind developed out of the Romantic movement which emerged at a time when artists of all kinds rebelled against being servants in wealthy households , obeying their patrons ' orders and being regulated by religious , political and other advisers .
19 It has been suggested that in species where reproductive success varies more widely among males than females and is influenced by parental investment , parents who can afford to invest heavily in their offspring should produce sons while those that can not do so should tend to produce daughters ( Trivers & Willard , 1973 ) .
20 Most of the world 's nuclear reactors are termed thermal reactors and are fuelled by natural or enriched uranium .
21 ‘ This concern is recognised by both the teaching staff in schools and in colleges and is shared by industrial and commercial colleagues . ’
22 The ceilings are coffered or have sloping beams and are supported by decorative pillars ( 81 and 83 ) .
23 The Territorial Assembly has 20 members and is elected by universal adult suffrage for up to five years .
24 Others , for example Watts Lake , began as marine inlets but were isolated by isostatic uplift and washed free of salt water by melting land ice ; there are also saline lakes of similar origin ( see below ) .
25 The unit can receive calls , transmit faxes or be used by personal computers to tap into remote data banks — all for $5.50 a minute .
26 The harvested apples piled up in the fields and were welcomed by numerous rabbits .
27 Language , literature , thought , art , politics and society become separate territories and are occupied by separate specialists , until it becomes increasingly hard to find any scholars with pretensions to competence over the whole field : K. O. Müller from Göttingen , active in the 1820 's and thirties , is one notable exception , but there were few to approach his breadth then or subsequently .
28 These dips occur in many stepping motor systems and are caused by mechanical resonance in the motor/load combination .
29 The diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease was based upon clinical , endoscopic and radiological findings and was supported by biochemical , scintigraphic and pathological features .
30 It has just launched a booklet ‘ The Case Against Tobacco Advertising ’ , which has been sent to all MPs and is endorsed by other charities , medical organisations , the Health Education Authority , NHS Authorities and Trusts and the trade union movement .
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