Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Commission has made it clear that it has no proposals for guide prices on coal contracts or for Community subsidies for coal production .
2 Movements between tenures , whether from tied cottages to council houses or from council houses to owner-occupation , is a particularly important reason for movements between villages ( Dunn et al .
3 Also in second stage recovery people in recovery come to look — increasingly at cross-addictions and at family issues of " co dependence " in which the primary and the family disease feed off each other within a family or other close relationship .
4 Planning is also divided : responsibility for local plans is with the districts and for structure plans with the counties and regions .
5 Typically , the common law offence was charged in cases of pitched street battles between rival gangs and for revenge attacks on individuals , and , spontaneous pub and club brawls .
6 The planktonic larvae are , in short , adapted to planktonic life ; those of echinoderms and of gastropod molluscs for example have bands of cilia ( whip-like projections of the cell ) to drive them along .
7 She helped the children with their lessons each morning , then took them for walks and on shopping excursions in the afternoons , finally helping to put them to bed at night .
8 Reports filtered out of the latest MacWorld in San Francisco about an Apple Computer Inc project , code named Cat in the Hat , that aims to port the Apple ToolBox , Apple 's crown jewels , the source of the Mac interface , over to IBM Corp 's AIX in six months , to Hewlett-Packard Co HP-UX in nine months and to Sun Microsystems Inc Sparc machines after that .
9 They are frequently mounted on altars or on shrine cornices in a way which strongly implies that they were a central , universal religious symbol .
10 The Chiefs of Staff and most senior officers on both sides of the Atlantic and Pacific knew each other , having served together on NATO , CENTO , and SEATO staffs and in exchange appointments in each others ' armed forces .
11 They left the streets , making their way across gardens and by back ways into the town to hide in buildings .
12 Specific programs were written to produce regular statistical analyses and as management tools for use during the annual pay review process .
13 If I can put it in , not , I hope , in a boastful way , but to illustrate how important this is to us , about forty per cent , getting on for half of the income of the Education Area last year , was made up not of normal University funds , but of funds attracted from outside to support research from private foundations and from government departments like the Department of Education and Science .
14 Additional information may be sought from industry/ economic experts and from correspondent banks in the borrower 's country , thus the external residence of a borrower adds new dimensions to bank lending decisions .
15 Indeed , there is evidence that old U-Pb ages are preserved in zircon megacrysts and in zircon inclusions in diamond , both erupted in young kimberlites .
16 Gas was used in houses and for street lights from the early nineteenth century .
17 Yes , but unfortunately it 's a different set of rules as regards the planning applications made by people for erm either caravans for residential purposes or for leisure purposes as those which were directed to use when we are judging a gipsy site erm as such .
18 On May 11 Sahnoun met with the chairman of the United Somali Congress ( USC ) , Gen. Mohammed Farah Aydid ( whose dispute with interim President Ali Mahdi Mohammed was the immediate cause of continuing instability ) , to discuss the possible deployment of UN observers and of security personnel in Mogadishu .
19 In this , the third issue of Update devoted to general SVQs , we also report back on the seminars held recently for external verifiers and for centre co-ordinators from new piloting centres .
20 They will also be distributed to youth organisations and to youth workers in parishes to encourage them to press for more appropriate TV programming .
21 Even if we disregard the sporadic use of violence against the movement , and its infiltration by spies and agents provocateurs , it is clear that it was generally considered by the controlling bodies of universities and by party politicians as an illegitimate form of political action , even though its principal aim was to extend democratic participation in one of the most important institutions ( both economically and culturally ) of modern society , and in many cases it succeeded in enlivening academic studies , as well as improving methods of teaching and assessment .
22 Inter-district liaison , however , has proved more successful , being facilitated either by specially formed joint consultative committees or through county branches of the Association of District Councils ( Alexander , 1982 , especially ch. 3 ) .
23 Studies are also investigating changes in the nature of social networks and in family relationships during continuing unemployment .
24 An important part of the demonstration project was a series of evaluation studies , testing developments against pre-existing conditions and against control areas outside the network .
25 Several drafts of a paper on ‘ Extensions of Validation Procedure ’ were debated amongst officers and in Council meetings in the first half of 1975 , and in July at Kerr 's suggestion its title was changed to ‘ Partnership in Validation ’ .
26 The changing age profile of Britain and other technologically advanced countries which share Britain 's pattern reflects , as we have already suggested , changes over time both in the size of successive birth cohorts and in mortality rates at all ages .
27 These products fit in PC backplanes or in standalone versions for distributed workstations .
28 A shaikh kept a list of households and of adult men in his lineage .
29 Advertisements for a video series entitled ‘ Images of Love ’ began to appear in women 's magazines and in trade journals in 1984 .
30 A pilot study was undertaken first to identify and locate potential users who resided in the West Midlands and secondly to establish the employment and expenditure impacts of the Marina , Marina-related developments and of boat owners upon the local economy .
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