Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the last allegation is regarded with some scepticism by royal watchers , their speculation is heightened because the royal couple have barely been seen to exchange words or glances so far in the tour , even though they have been smiling and cheerful to those they have met .
2 And they came to the palace with all their animals and lived happily together for many years .
3 He thought it a pity that the people could not hibernate like certain animals and come out again at Easter when they would once more have compelling and urgent business to attend to .
4 I had a terrible shock when you opened your eyes and looked so steadily at me .
5 Hovering long enough to make sure it was n't for her , she left him talking in clipped , terse monosyllables and slipped away quietly to her bedroom , trying to suppress her curiosity about the caller .
6 My own ferreting campaigns begin in October but from that time onward to the end of the game-shooting season I am limited to outside hedgerows and warrens and burrows well away from the standing crops of game cover and the woods .
7 After the first minutes of trembling outrage , Maldita had stopped behaving as though his fingers were red-hot pokers and reacted almost voluptuously to his touch .
8 We drove onto the boat and got out of our cars and went up further to the boat .
9 Cleaner shrimps can harass small timid fish species such as scooter blennies ( Petroscrites temminicki ) and mandarins ( Synchiropus sp ) but as a generalisation are good aquarium subjects and get along well with their own kind .
10 The two would take low stances in the cages and stare out together on the world , separated by bars but joined in a common sympathy .
11 Seventy or eighty men were at the kill and most of them , like us , had heard the shooting from their homes and hurried over just in time .
12 Then the corridor bent to the side to accommodate four enclosed double bedrooms and bent back again through the centre of open seating with sleeping curtains , called sections .
13 What I need is a nice little research job where I can write my books and keep well away from them . ’
14 She licked her lips and looked once more at Cleo .
15 Apart from the current pressures from Central Government not to build or replace residential homes but to rely more heavily on the private and voluntary sector and housing associations , they are also being pressed to see Residential Care as a positive choice ( Wagner Report 1987 ) , to see the residential home as a community resource by providing more flexible patterns , respite , short-term and long term care and extended day care .
16 Instead we are arguing that all academic texts are effectively working with a particular brief and it is important that this be either spelled out in the production of academic texts or taken apart systematically by the readership .
17 We were expected to put our hands in our pockets and shell out regardless of whether or not we were getting value for money .
18 Donald Buttress ' solution was to tile the roof with ridged composition tiles of a greenish grey hue , which from below look remarkably similar to slates and blend very well with the stonework .
19 Election-winner or not , for much of the '80s , punters were voting with their feet and staying well away from Reading .
20 And he rose to his feet and walked slowly away from them , up the mountain .
21 He scrambled to his feet and looked round nervously at Sabrina who was closing in fast on him .
22 Cedric sank happily on to the tattered hearthrug at his feet and gazed up adoringly at his new master .
23 I would like to emphasize that erm the Greater York authorities have n't lightly arrived at erm the strategy for a new settlement , er we have been driven to it by a very careful examination of the development possibilities , firstly around the edge of York , and secondly around the various villages , we know these areas erm intimately from our day to day planning work , and on two occasions , once in connection with the Greater York study , and secondly in connection with drawing detailed greenbelt boundaries we have tramped around the edges of all these settlements and looked very carefully at the possibilities for development , erm the possibilities have been taken up in the development equation , which the County Council has put in front of you , which does still include er some development around villages and around the edge of the city without harming greenbelt , but we do n't really think we can go much further , and that 's what has driven us to the conclusion that er a new settlement must play a part in the longer term development equation for Greater York .
24 16.11 As independence is strengthened , pupils should be encouraged to read more difficult texts and to look not only at what is said , but at how meaning is expressed and how effects are achieved in writing .
25 Contemporary with the alterations to the main east-west road , at least one or perhaps two possible public buildings were constructed immediately to the south on Sites 1 and 2 , each with a frontage carried on four columns and set so close to the road that the new roadside drains had to be diverted .
26 The extraordinary thing about Greene is that he wrote over decades and changed so fluently from a pre-war to a post-war writer .
27 It is a moment that is likely to reshape the strategic thinking of traditional , print-on-paper publishers , perhaps encouraging them at last to re-define their activities and participate more extensively in information media of all kinds .
28 Evidence suggests that after an initial second-century surge of activity in Normangate Field , the number of kilns declined in the third and fourth , as manufacture gave way to other activities and moved further afield to more convenient locations .
29 These magical attributes persisted through the ages and died out only with the rise of scientific investigations in the 16th century .
30 The tomato ketchup stained her fingers and fell as uncompromisingly on her dress as blood , but her brain was racing .
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