Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 He was looking , without seeming to look , at Andropulos as he said the last words and felt almost certain that he saw a flicker of expression cross his face .
2 Meanwhile , Jo 's happy to count her blessings and remains quietly confident that hard work , professionalism and talent will keep her riding high .
3 So that I can go through my designs and make quite certain that there is not one collar , not one cuff detail , not the slightest influence that they could accuse me of copying from them .
4 There is no point in serving food which is good for kids but tastes so revolting that they wo n't eat it . ’
5 Pull up your leg muscles and feel how solid that left thigh is becoming !
6 One seemed bolder than the others and came so close that it began to enter the realm of ordinary vision .
7 When I took my practical working examinations , making tree ties was worth a lot of marks and considered so vital that candidates who failed their tying failed tree planting , however well they did otherwise .
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