Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] [pers pn] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The rain had almost stopped , but various projections over the pavement in Fleet Street dripped on Dyson as he passed , wetting the lenses of his spectacles and making it difficult for him to see where he was going .
2 She put us back on our feet and made it possible for us to live again .
3 The third section moves on to investigate the nature and effectiveness of British and American mechanisms for exercising democratic control over the police ( i.e. influencing their policies and making them answerable for their behaviour ) .
4 They proved much easier to collect than direct taxes and made it possible for government revenue to keep pace with the swift rise in production .
5 This led to a surplus of qualified workers and made it possible for their work and pay to be devalued .
6 Scott gave Ruskin little praise in his later writings and held him responsible for the introduction of the ‘ Italian mania ’ into the Gothic Revival .
7 The other thing I mean to be healthy it 's more important to dry things and keep them dry for a while than to boil them .
8 We 're not pressing teams and making it difficult for them , which has previously been the basis of our success .
9 As far as the debtor 's obligations are concerned , he must retain possession of the goods and make them available for the creditor to collect , taking reasonable care of them in the meantime ( s72(4) ) .
10 Whether , for instance , concepts such as ‘ ethnicity ’ , ‘ class ’ , ‘ politics ’ are ‘ culture-free ’ , that is whether academics have succeeded in freeing them from their narrow everyday cultural uses and made them available for cross-cultural use , is a question of judgement and , ultimately , of ontology .
11 Within a year he had given detailed and authoritative evidence to the House of Commons and been instrumental in the passage of two bills which abolished gaolers ' fees and enabled counties to pay for a proper service ; which allowed discharged defendants to be set at liberty in open court ; and which not only improved sanitation and health arrangements but made it obligatory for justices to have a concern for the health of prisoners .
12 One county , Kopparberg , has handed over most of its budget to family doctors and made them responsible for buying services from competing providers .
13 It marked them off from other men and made it difficult for them to settle down to the dull conformity of civilian existence after the war .
14 As soon as she could , she resumed the normal pattern of her life , getting up at 7.30 a.m. to prepare breakfast for the older children and get them ready for school .
15 I want to encourage complaints , welcome complaints and make it easy for customers to complain .
16 Is it not time that the Government got off their behinds and made it compulsory for a payment to be made every year to every senior citizen in this land ?
17 Banks entered this market in a big way in the early 1980s , after the abolition of the ‘ corset ’ scheme , which inhibited the growth of their interest-bearing deposits and made it difficult for them to lend large sums without incurring financial penalties imposed by the Bank of England .
18 Theodora shuffled the documents and placed them ready for Tobias .
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