Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] [adv prt] [conj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 Eyes looking back and I 'd got the old bit moving all the time keeping , he said righto get out , you 're leading me , they were too pleased to get rid of them .
2 Erm , the growth in demand for people with a known disability and again is explained briefly there , and essentially means that you 've got more clients coming in than you 've got leaving because of the greater life expectancy because more are surviving at birth , and one would have to say that they are presenting more difficult problems in a health demand .
3 There were many secrets flying about and he had some of his own .
4 Yes , everything , a lot of things are important , and what you 're saying is true Alex , that if you do the important things when you should do them , they wo n't become urgent , but equally what Tracy says is that , is true is that you will get unexpected things cropping up where you have to drop everything .
5 He 'd already he 'd seen the bags going up and he 'd already got that in his head .
6 Hopefully we can go all the way to Wembley , but we 've all been saying in the dressing room that there are some big league games coming up and we have to concentrate on them . ’
7 Susan reeled away from us , flames springing up where she had been touched .
8 He could n't afford any rumours getting out that he had deliberately destroyed the Hochhauser Company .
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